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“I understand, Father. I’ll take care of it.”

Then trepidation washed over him. Was Rotelle scheming again? Her father was instructing her to meet Yami’s CFO, and she’d just agreed. She might not know anything yet, but the meeting might get her involuntarily involved. He didn’t want her taken down with her father just because the conniving snake decided to embroil her in the mess now. But the Jihae he knew would balk at any shady business. Her honesty and integrity wouldn’t allow her to do anything she felt was wrong. He trusted Jihae. She would be smart about it, and keep herself safe.

And Rotelle Corporation would be taken down. After running into dead end after dead end, the investigation was about to get a fresh start. After tugging his cell phone out of his back pocket, Colin typed in a quick text to Garrett.

Found new lead on Rotelle. Yami’s CFO might be their contact person. Have PI shadow her.

Then he turned his phone to mute. The professionals could handle the rest. He’d carried out his duty to his family, and he could stop scrounging around for evidence. A part of him whispered that he still might need to keep an eye on Jihae, but he hushed the nagging voice. His belief in Jihae’s innocence hadn’t been wishful thinking born out of his interest in her. She truly was innocent. He didn’t need to feel guilty for having feelings for her—the Song family’s enemy—anymore. His careening thoughts came to a screeching stop.

Did he have feelings for her? Yes. Colin cared about Jihae. He’d been suppressing his feelings and calling it lust because caring for her would’ve been a betrayal of his family. But now, with proof of her innocence, he could let himself admit his feelings for her. And maybe even act on them.

Colin took a deep breath, then knocked softly on Jihae’s door. He was being either brave or stupid, but he didn’t want to hold back. Not anymore.

“Come in?” she said after a brief pause.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he said as he walked into her office, closing the door behind him.

“Colin.” His name left her mouth in a breathy whisper, and her wide eyes revealed her pleasure at his unexpected appearance. But it disappeared with a blink. Her damn armor was back in place. “What are you doing here?”

She looked pristine in her white Princess Jihae attire, but her cheeks were stained with color and loose strands of hair framed her delicate face. He had never seen a more beautiful sight. Her expression exuded confidence and a hint of tightly controlled curiosity, but her eyes greedily roamed his body. Despite his rejection and subsequent inattention, Jihae miraculously still wanted him, but it was going to be difficult to have her admit it again. What was it she’d said?

I will have you on your knees before I ever let you lay a finger on me again.

With the last traces of his suspicion gone—freeing him from any guilt he might have felt over betraying his family by wanting her the way he did—he saw her with clarity for the first time. Her intelligence, her integrity, her beauty, her courage to experience new situations with curiosity and joy. He respected her. He desired her. And he wanted to do much, much more than lay a finger on her.

She’d come to stand in front of him as he stood glued to the spot, gazing mutely at her. With her within arm’s reach, her exquisite scent hit him, jerking him out of his paralysis. He wanted to kiss her so badly a shiver shook his frame. But if he wanted to kiss her, he had to get on his knees. She was quite clear on that, and he intended to obey her explicitly.

His expression must have shifted because her eyes widened and she took a hasty step back. Her retreat snapped the last of his control, and he stalked her step by step until she was backed against the wall.

“I asked what you’re doing here,” she said with the slightest catch in her voice and lifted her eyes to meet his. “I don’t believe we have any urgent business at the moment.”

“Oh, you’re wrong about that,” he growled. “I have very urgent business with you.”

Her pink lips parted on a gasp before she stood up straighter. “And what business is that?”

He lowered his head, gaze darting over her lovely face, until her eyes fluttered shut. But rather than claiming her mouth, as he was badly tempted to do, he brought his lips close to her ear and whispered, “Come with me.”

Before she could answer, he leaned back and took her hand in his own. When he walked toward the door with single-minded determination, Jihae came willingly until she stopped short. Colin’s stomach dropped to his feet. He didn’t know if he could handle her rejection tonight.

“Wait,” she said softly. “I need to get my purse and lock up for the night.”

He nodded jerkily, both relieved and impatient. He freed her hand so she could lock the door, but placed his hand possessively on her lower back. Once she was finished, he reclaimed her hand. He couldn’t bear not touching her for even a moment.

“Where are we going?” she asked when he settled into the driver’s seat beside her.

“My place.” He was amazed that he could still get words out. His heart was hammering against his chest and his hands trembled as he backed out of the parking space.

“Your place?”

He gave a curt nod and kept his eyes on the road. Jihae didn’t voice any objections and settled into her seat, turning her attention out the window. Her face was carefully expressionless, so he couldn’t guess what she was thinking, but Colin was grateful that she was coming with him.

By the time they arrived at his condo, his hands were shaking so badly that he had trouble unlocking his door. This was a bad idea, but he was all out of willpower.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked as casually as he could once they were inside.

“What have you got?”

Jihae reached down to remove her heels, bracing a hand on the wall. He couldn’t help noticing how shapely her calves were. He had groveling to do before he could let his thoughts go anywhere near there. He snapped his eyes back to her face, but it wasn’t much help because it was also distractingly beautiful.

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