Page 9 of Kiss Me Quick!

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“Just go,” Wil said with an eye roll.

Both men turned as one and stumbled their way to Ollie’s room. After pushing his friend through the door, Ollie gave them a pointed grin as he stuck a smiley face magnet to his whiteboard before slamming the door shut behind him.

“I’m gonna need my noise-canceling headphones tonight,” Wil muttered before looking at Ben.

“And that’s my cue to leave,” Ben said, standing up. “Thank you for a lovely evening. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you.”

“You don’t have to go,” Wil said, rushing to his feet. A loud moan echoed from behind Ollie’s door, and Wil winced. “Actually, maybe saying goodnight now is probably a good idea.”

Ben nibbled on his lip, unsure if he should suggest seeing each other again.

“When are you free to meet up again?” Wil asked, deciding for him.

“I’ve got a project to finish tomorrow and mid-term madness, but I’m happy to grab a quick coffee one day if that works for you.”

“I’d love to,” Wil told him. “Message me when you’re free?”

Ben nodded and crossed to the door. “Thanks again for tonight.”

Wil gave him a wide smile that made his dimple pop. “See you soon.”


Wil fished his buzzing phone from his pocket as he jogged across the quad to his dorm. A smile broke out when he saw it was Ben calling him.

“Hey, Ben,” he answered, slowing to a walk.

“Hi Wil. I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?”

“Not at all. I’ve just finished my economics paper, and I’m heading back to my dorm to chill out for a couple of hours before I go over my contract law notes.”

“Do you have time to grab a coffee?”

Warmth spread through Wil at the request. “I’d love to. Where do you want to meet?”

“Um. Well, I was thinking I could return your hospitality and make you a coffee here in my dorm,” Ben said shyly. “I mean, we don’t have to. We can try and grab a table at Eta’s if you’d rather.”

“Why, Mr.…” Wil broke off. “I don’t even know your last name. How bad is that?”

Ben chucked back in response. “Martinez. What’s yours?”

“James,” Wil replied as he entered Brandt House. “I’ve just got back to my dorm. I’ll be over in five minutes if that works?”

“Yes. Room 601.”

“See you in a few, Mr. Martinez.”

“Looking forward to it, Mr. James.”

Ten minutes later, Wil was pushing the buzzer next to Ben’s room number.

“Come on up,” Ben said, his voice tinny through the tiny intercom.

Wil pushed the entry door as it unlatched and crossed to the elevator. As he rode up to Ben’s floor, he took a few deep breaths to compose himself. He was unnaturally nervous and equally excited at the thought of seeing Ben again. He’d thought of the other man constantly over the last thirty-six hours since they’d said goodbye in the early hours of Sunday morning.

As he approached Ben’s door, he ran a nervous hand through his hair and then down his T-shirt, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles. Taking a calming breath, he knocked on the door to Ben’s suite.

It only took a few seconds for it to be opened by a smiling Ben. Wil’s stomach dipped at the wide, bright grin, and flashed his own one back.

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