Page 3 of Kiss Me Quick!

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Wil turned back towards the door, which, of course, now he needed someone to walk through it, was completely empty. The group behind him shuffled around so they could see better.

“Seriously? Where the hell is everyone?” someone grumbled.

Wil turned back to them. “How long have I got to complete the dare?”

“What about if no one comes through the foyer door in the next two minutes, then we switch to the kitchen door?” Jenni suggested. “Otherwise, we could be here all night.”



Ben nursed his solo cup, hoping nobody noticed he was drinking water and not vodka. He wasn’t averse to alcohol, but he’d already knocked back a couple of shots before coming to the party, and then there’d been the shot of tequila at the door. He’d surreptitiously filled his cup with water to wash the taste away, not being a huge fan of the spirit.

Scanning the room, he spied his missing roommate, Emory, leaning against the opposite wall, chatting with a cute blonde girl. Ben gave an internal sigh. Emory had dragged him out to the party, telling him he needed to do more than study and work. That college life was about living. Ben agreed with him, and he did go out and socialize, but rarely at frat parties and not usually so close to exam time.

As he wasn’t going to see much of Emory tonight, he decided to wander around and see if there was anyone else here he knew. He’d been to this frat house before and knew the general layout of the place. Music was pumping from the front room, and he recognized the song being played as one of his current favorites. Whoever was on music duty tonight had good taste. Eclipse was an indie band that’d been around for a couple of years was just getting noticed. Their latest single was gaining traction after it was used as a sample on a popular video-based social media app.

Dodging out of the way of two guys chasing each other through the house, he moved towards the music, hoping to find a kindred spirit to talk to. As he stepped through the doorway, a huge cheer went up from a group of people in the corner.


“He’s cute!”

“Go, Wil!”

Ben frowned, not understanding the commotion. Movement drew his attention to a tall guy walking towards him wearing a faded band tee and equally faded jeans. Ben’s stomach dipped as the guy smiled at him, a dimple popping on his cheek as he pushed a soft, dark curl back off his forehead.

The guy stopped a few feet away.

“Um, hey. My name’s Wil.”

“Umm. Hi?” Ben replied warily, not really sure why people were cheering and why this guy Wil was introducing himself.

“I know this is going to sound really weird, but we’re playing truth or dare, and I’ve been dared to kiss the next person to walk into the room.”

Ben glanced back to where he’d just come from, then at Wil, and finally over Wil’s shoulder to the group of grinning people watching intently.

“Y… y… you want to kiss me?” Ben stammered out, wondering what alternate reality he’d fallen into where a gorgeous guy wanted to kiss him. And Wil was gorgeous. He was a few inches taller than Ben’s five foot ten, with a swimmer’s build and long, rangy muscles. Soft brown curls fell around his ears, and bright blue eyes shone with kindness.

“Only if you don’t mind,” Wil reassured him. “If you don’t consent, then no harm, no foul.”

Ben blinked at the man standing in front of him. He vaguely recognized him from around campus, but they ran in different circles. With a student body of over five thousand people, it wasn’t unusual that Ben didn’t know him.

“Come on, Wil! What are you waiting for?” someone called out. “Kiss the man!”

He stuck out his hand. “Hi. My name’s Ben.”

“Hi, Ben.” A warm, slightly calloused hand engulfed his. “Nice to meet you.”

“Same. So, your dare is to kiss me?”

A slight flush colored Wil’s cheeks. “I have to kiss the next person who enters the room for thirty seconds, with… ah… tongue.”

Ben faltered for a second as he heard the full terms of the dare. He stared at Wil, seeing nothing but kindness. A small frown furrowed his brow as he waited for Ben’s response. Ben didn’t not like the idea of kissing Wil with tongue, but it was rather intimate for a first kiss. First kiss? It would likely be his only kiss. Making his mind up, he nodded.

“And you’re okay with the fact I’m a guy?” he asked. Nothing about Wil’s demeanor showed that he was put off by the fact a male rather than a female had walked through the door. Still, Ben wanted to be sure before he let anyone kiss him.

Wil’s eyes never left his as he responded. “No. Definitely don’t have a problem with that at all.”

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