Page 11 of Kiss Me Quick!

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Heat bloomed through Wil at the look, and he hastily downed the last of his coffee.


Ben swallowed nervously before standing and gesturing to his door. He was suddenly anxious at the thought of Wil seeing his creations, which was unusual, as he normally loved showing off what he’d designed and created. He realized that Wil’s opinion was important to him.

“They are just basic designs and early concepts, so please don’t judge them too harshly. I can show you some pictures of the finished piece if you want to see them.” He was babbling, and he inwardly cursed himself. Wil was a nice guy, and he ticked pretty much all of Ben’s boxes. He’d spent many hours over the last few days reliving their kiss, and he was hoping they could repeat it today.

Wil followed him into his cramped bedroom, the taller man making the space feel even smaller than usual. As well as the uniform bed, dresser, and desk, he’d added some shelving units to house his models.

He watched as Wil perused one shelf, his hands pushed deep into the pockets of his jeans as if to prevent himself from touching.

“These are amazing,” he said, turning to give Ben a wide grin. “These must have taken hours.”

“Tho… those are some of my freshman year pieces. The prototypes for this year’s model are over here,” he stammered, turning to reach for one of the delicate models.

“I made this one from, um, papier mâché,” he stammered, aware that Wil was only a few steps behind him, looking over his shoulder. “And… and this one is made from a Plaster of Paris mix….”

His voice faltered as warm breath whispered against the nape of his neck. He held completely still, barely daring to breathe as Wil’s lips ghosted against the skin below his ear. A shudder ran through him, his hand shaking as he pointed to the third model.

“This one is….” His breath hitched, and he struggled to continue. “This one is closer to the fi... f… finished version.” His voice tapered out in a whisper as broad hands circled his waist, and lips feathered across his nape and down under his other ear.

He slid his own hands over Wil’s, tightening the embrace as his head tilted to the side to give Wil access to the delicate skin under his ear.

“Is this okay?” Wil’s voice was low and husky.

In response, Ben nodded, his eyes drifting shut as he melted against Wil’s firm chest. Desire skittered down his spine as Wil tightened his hold, his mouth nuzzling along Ben’s jawline.

Without conscious thought, Ben turned in Wil’s arms, his own looping around the taller man’s neck as he lifted his mouth to meet Wil’s.

Their lips slid against each other, learning the other’s shape and taste. Wil’s tongue sensually traced against Ben’s lower lip, silently asking for entrance. Ben immediately opened for him, tasting the coffee they had both just drank, plus an essence that was all Wil.

Ben’s fingers tangled in Wil’s curls, and Wil gave a low moan in return. They broke apart, gasping for air. Wil rested his forehead against Ben’s and gave a quiet chuckle.

“I wasn’t planning to do that,” he said, his fingers tracing up and down Ben’s spine.

“I’m not complaining,” Ben responded, his hands slipping to Wil’s broad shoulders.

“I wish it wasn’t midterm,” Wil admitted. “I wish we had time to go on a proper date.”

“It’s only a few more days. I can wait if you can.”

Wil pressed a chaste kiss to Ben’s mouth before stepping away. “I don’t want to wait. I don’t want someone else to come along and sweep you off your feet before I can.”

Ben laughed and raised up on his toes to return Wil’s kiss. “I promise, if it hasn’t happened in the four years I’ve been here, I doubt it’s going to happen in the next few days.”

“I really don’t want to leave, but I’ve got to go over my notes before my next exam.” Wil reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “Can I call you later?”

“I’d love that,” Ben told him with a smile.


“How are midterms going?” Kellet James’s face was one of fatherly love and concern as he peered at his son via the video chat call.

“Contract law was a bitch, but I’m pretty sure I nailed it. Economics was good.”

“You know Miles will help you out if you need it on the contract side of things,” Jamie, his father’s husband, said, his face coming into view on the video call.

“Hey, Pa. Yeah, I know. I spoke to him earlier in the semester, and he helped me with a couple of points I wasn’t understanding.”

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