Page 1 of Kiss Me Quick!

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Wil grimaced as he swallowed the mandatory entry shot of tequila before elbowing his way through the doorway into the crowded frat house, narrowly missing bumping into a couple making out just inside the foyer. With a muttered apology that was ignored, he squeezed past, aiming for the kitchen where he knew there would be a keg. Of course, the party was well underway, so the beer wouldn’t be that cold, but he’d picked up an extra shift at the bar where he worked part-time. He didn’t mind being late, as all the best parties didn’t start until after ten.

“Dude, you made it,” one of the frat brothers, Chris, said, offering a fist, which Wil promptly bumped.

“Yeah, picked up an extra shift, but I’m here now,” Wil said, grabbing a solo cup from the stack on the end of the counter.

“Fresh keg has just been tapped,” Chris told him, and Wil gave him a grateful smile before filling his cup.

Settling back against the counter, Wil nodded to the front of the house. “Got a good crowd in tonight.”

“Last party before midterms kick our butts.”

“Tell me about it,” Will agreed. He was up-to-date with his course work, but cramming for midterms wasn’t his favorite thing.

“You going anywhere for Spring Break?” Chris asked him.

“Just heading home to LA.”

“Thought you were from San Francisco?”

“North of there, but yeah. Got some family stuff to do in LA, though, so heading there this time round.”

“You flying or driving?”

“Driving. Dad offered to pay for flights, but it’s only six hours, and I enjoy the drive. It gives me time to decompress a little.”

Chris nodded, his attention straying as a cheer went up from the front room. “Wanna go see what’s happening in there?”

Wil gestured with his cup to lead the way. Entering the room, Wil couldn’t immediately see what people were cheering about, but then a chant went up from a small nook in the far corner.

“Dare! Dare! Dare!”

Chris threw him a grin. “Ah, ye old classic Truth or Dare.”

Wil followed Chris over to where roughly a dozen people were gathered on comfortable cushions and bean bags with a box of truth or dare playing cards in the center.

“I dare you to do a headstand and hold it for thirty seconds,” a petite blonde was saying to a muscle-bound jock, waving a card in her hand.

The jock in question rolled on to his knees before slowly staggering to his feet. “I accept,” he said, staring her in the eye. The blonde clapped her hands in glee.

“Give him some space,” someone said, and everyone shuffled back, not wanting to be in the firing line if—more like when—the guy failed.

The jock, who Wil recognized as one of the football team, hitched his jeans up before rolling his shoulders. He sank into a crouch, placing his hands on the floor. With a deep breath, he lowered his head and cautiously lifted one foot. Encouraging shouts filled the air, and the group gasped as he swayed before regaining his balance. A second deep breath, and then he pushed up with his other foot and got himself into an upright position.

“Go, Cody!” one of his teammates encouraged.

“Timer has started,” Cody’s challenger called. Cody wobbled again, but held his position. A countdown began, and Wil joined in, impressed with the guy’s core strength.

“Time!” With a loud cheer, Cody carefully lowered his legs, stood, and took a bow before pointing to the now-laughing girl.

“Drink up, Jenni.”

She raised her cup in salute and downed the contents.

“Who’s next?” Cody asked.

“You guys gonna join us?” Jenni asked, looking at Wil and Chris.

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