Page 59 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“Um, maybe not.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Vancouver. You said the same thing.”

He smiles at me and moves his arm so I can see one gorgeous blue eye.

“You’re probably right. Let’s take a quick shower.”

After we’re done, the gelato is put away, and we’re snuggled together in bed, we talk. It’s just before ten, and Jordan can sleep until the decent hour of seven if he wants because he has no early meetings.

“Emma, I’m sorry if I was controlling. I don’t want you to think that’s how I am all the time.”

“You don’t need to apologize. I want to be independent. I was sheltered when I was younger. That’s what happens when there are large age differences between your siblings. Lexi was eight when I was born and Megan four. I was always the baby. There was no latitude for me to be independent. Everyone wanted to take care of me.”

“I want to take care of you.”

“You can take care of me, but you can’t tell me what to do. I need to make my own decisions.”

“So, does that mean you won’t come to Dallas with me?”


Jordan starts to laugh, and I playfully slap his arm. I’m exhausted, and I think it’s time for me to go to sleep. I snuggle into Jordan’s muscular chest and begin to doze. Through my drowse, I think I hear something that makes no sense.

“Doll, I think I love you.”

I mumble for him to repeat what he said, but I get no reply making me think that I’m hearing things.

Jordan’s keeping tabs on me while he’s away. He calls or texts me several times a day even when I know he’s in a meeting. I feel alone without him even though my sisters and several friends live in the city. In the short time, I’ve known Jordan, I’ve gotten used to his brash and commanding style. I miss the challenge and can’t wait until he returns home, and it’s not just because I miss the out of this world sex.

Jordan is supposed to be arriving at eleven tonight so that I might see him tomorrow after work. He hasn’t said anything, and for the sake of not seeming clingy, I don’t want to mention it. I try to keep our conversations light even though I know he is missing me. He’s said as much but in not so many words. I get excited when I see his name pop up on my phone.

I still wonder about the words I heard when I drifted off to sleep. How can you love someone so quickly? We’ve only been together for a week, well almost two. How can you love someone you barely know? I have an extreme case of like, but I won’t go so far as to say I love him, not yet anyway. I need more time.

I found that Whole Foods carries the salted caramel gelato that I love so much, and I bought several pints of it. If I keep eating this way, I’m going to gain weight and have to start doing shit I hate, like working out. Jordan has already hinted that I should start working out because it’s good for me, but except for cheerleading, I never did any other physical activities.

He would probably yell at me if he knew I was sitting on my couch, indulging in gelato and watching crappy reality television while he’s gone. I need to download some more books for my Kindle. I’ve been devouring them while Jordan’s gone. I already read four books in two days. What else do I have to do?

Lexi asked me to come to family dinner tomorrow night. She’s had family night each Friday for a couple of years. Everyone convenes at their apartment. Now that JC went back to work for his father, their new apartment is much bigger than the old one. Jordan’s penthouse dwarfs it but I won’t mention that if he comes with me. I’m not sure he will want to meet my family. He might take it as a sign of commitment. I just want them to know who I’m dating.

Nathaniel hasn’t contacted me since he left for England, and I’m growing more worried by the minute. He promised that he would call me a few times a week, but it’s now Thursday, and I haven’t heard anything from him. I know he’s busy, but now it’s going to be my turn to yell at him. I texted him a few times and called, but it always went to voicemail.

So I’m just bored now. Angelica asked me to go with her and Charles to a club tomorrow, but that’s not happening. I want to see Jordan. As I’m changing for bed, my cell rings with an unknown number. I let it go to voicemail, and when it’s ready, I listen.

“Baby girl, it”s Nate. I’m sorry that I haven’t contacted you until now. I’ve been crazy with work since I got here. To top it off, my phone was stolen the first night I got here. Barry had to get me a whole new setup. I miss you, and I love you. I’m going to bed in a little while, call me if you’re not getting your brains fucked out by Mr. Millionaire.”

Ugh, Nathaniel. I dial the number he called me from, and on the third ring, he picks up.

“Hey Emma, I guess you’re not in a sex coma if you’re calling me back.”

“Nate, Jordan is in Dallas and won’t be home until late tonight.”

“Oh. Anyway, you should see the flat that I live in for the next few weeks. It’s owned by the promoter that got me the gig. It’s about four times the size of our apartment and has a hot tub on the patio.”

“Have you used it yet?”

“A few times. These London women are hot. They’re game for anything compared to the New York ones.”

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