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We stop by his car while Damien waits in mine, parked behind. “So?” There’s hope in his eyes, and I hate that I’ll have to squash it.

“We’re calling things off,” I tell him. “But I explained everything to her, and she understands better.”

“I was hoping—”

“Dad.” I frown. “Please don’t do this.”

“Alec.” My father stands straighter. “I like Jasmine as a person, and I like her for you. But your mother will eat her up.”

“I don’t care about my mother's opinion. I will defend Jasmine as long as it takes.”

“That’s cute.” Father pats my shoulder and slips into the backseat of his car. “Make yourself available for lunch with Governor Eric. If my son is going to spend all his time in New York, then the number one man must know who you are.” He waves at me as his car drives off.

Damien eyes me skeptically as I enter the passenger seat. “You look murderous.”

“I am murderous!”

“Is it your mom?” He asks, pulling out of the garage.

“It’s my family. The entire family gets on my nerves.”

“Let me guess—you wish you were born into a normal family.”


“Well, let me tell you, we have our problems, too,” he said, laughing. “But I'd be happier if we had those problems while being rich.”

“You’re respectfully telling me to be grateful.”


“Just because you say respectfully doesn’t mean it’s respectful, Damien.”

He laughs. “I try my best.”

“Step on the gas,” I order. “If I don’t see Jasmine in five minutes, I may pass out.”


As soon as Damien parks the vehicle in the garage, I hurry out and sprint towards the house.

“Master Alec.” Damien is behind me. “Can I come in for a few minutes to get some food?” he asks.

“There may be something in the kitchen,” I reply to him, barreling through the front door. “Knock yourself out.”

Since Jasmine and I are together, Damien is staying in a hotel a few streets away.

I jog up the steps. “Jasmine?”

I enter our room, and it’s empty, which shocks me for a second. There’s something eerily quiet about the room. The bed is made so well it feels like no one has been lying on it. The lights are off, and the curtains are drawn.

My heart starts a slow beat in my chest as I walk farther into the room, looking around the space like an answer will drop onto my head if I look hard enough.

“Jasmine?” I walk to the bathroom and peek in, but she’s not there.

“Jas!” I check the closet, which also comes up empty.

By now, sweat has broken out on my forehead, and I have a feeling that something is terribly wrong. I leave the room and check all the other rooms in the house, panicking when I find each one empty.

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