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Chapter twenty


“I haven’t told him yet,” I chuckle. “But I plan to do so today.”

“Oh, shut up. Anytime I ask you about it, you’re always planning to. You’ve never told him.”

“Ana, it’s hard, okay?” I roll my eyes, skipping to the pot to check the boiling contents. When I’m satisfied, I return to the counter and climb onto the stool. “You think it’s easy to just blurt out that I’m pregnant. I don’t know how he would react to it.”

“What?” Ana shrieks. “That man loves you. He will be beyond elated when he learns that you’re pregnant.”

“I mean, yes, I guess. But with his family issues and everything, I just feel like his heart is torn, you know?”

“Have you seen his mom since that lunch?”

“No. Just his dad.” I’ve been in France for two weeks, and while Mr. Ace would occasionally drop by to say hello, Mrs. Ace acts like we do not exist.

“So, you’re for sure going to tell him today?” Ana asks. “No more delays?”

“No more. He’s out with his dad, so he isn’t home. He’s been gone for a few hours now, so I believe he’ll be back soon. As soon as he walks through that door, I tell him before I change my mind.”

“Atta girl,” Ana whoops excitedly. “And I’m going to be the most amazing godmother in the world. When are you returning to New York?”

“I don’t know. I mean, France is too beautiful.”

“Ugh, I hate you. I’m lonely. Come back.”

“How come you’re lonely? What about Boris?”

Ana scoffs, and I burst into laughter. “What’s with the scoffing? What about him?”

“He keeps asking for more, Jas. Like…why can’t he just be satisfied with sex? The sex is freaking crazy.”


“The other night, we were in my room when I got a call from John. You remember John, we used to work together at—”

“Lifesafe John?”

“Exactly. And you know how cordial John and I are, so we talked and laughed on the phone for a while. After my conversation, Boris started questioning me on who I was talking to, what his name was—”

I throw my head back as laughter explodes out of me. “What?”

“Girl, I was shocked. He was demanding exclusivity, and I am not ready to commit right now, so I walked him out of my house. He’s been blowing up my phone, but I’m done.”

“I thought you liked him.”

“Duh, I do. But I’m not blind. He seems like the obsessive type. I don’t want to be with someone who is like that. I’m more ready to be in a relationship, period.”

“Ana, you don’t even know what you want,” I groan. “One minute, you’re whining about how you want a man. The next minute, a man comes around, and you’re walking him out the door.”

Ana sighs tiredly. “That’s because the man I want doesn’t want me back.”

My heart skips because I have a feeling she’s talking about Riley. “Who is this man? Tell me.”

“I’m not telling.”

“Ana, please.”

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