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“Listen…” He tips my jaw upward, so I meet his gaze. “You’re mine,” he says without an iota of mirth. “And I’m very possessive —territorial, even— of what’s mine. You’ll be doing your male friends a great disservice if you visit them at home or let them touch you. I’m not joking. Am I clear?”


“Good.” He drops a kiss on my forehead and releases me. “Now get in the car; I’m taking you shopping.”

Chapter six


“I’m going to buy you a car,” I tell Jasmine. “So, you don’t have to go everywhere in an Uber; I don’t trust it.”

Jasmine laughs, thinking it’s a joke. When my face remains blank, the laughter clears from her eyes.

“You’re serious?”


“No. Don’t do that,” she says.

“Why not?”

“It’s too much,” she cries. “I still don’t know how I feel about all this—” she points to all the shopping bags in the backseat. “It makes me uncomfortable.”

After I picked her up from Ana’s place, we stopped by an eatery for lunch before heading uptown for a shopping spree. Unlike other women I’ve been with, it took me an hour to convince Jasmine to let me buy her clothes and shoes. I made her try on all the pretty dresses and bought every one she liked.

When the bill arrived, the total was about fifteen thousand, and Jasmine had a meltdown. I spent another half hour convincing her it was okay. Now we’re sitting in my car waiting for her Uber because she wouldn’t let me drive her home because of Riley.

I don’t want Jasmine to leave because she’s the only one holding me down. The Ace family private jet is now waiting at the hangar, ready to take me back to France for breakfast with my family tomorrow morning. I should tell Jasmine that I’ll be unavailable for a couple of days, but I don’t want her asking questions that I won’t be able to answer. I like her a lot, and there’s no denying it any longer. But if I’m to be with her, there are a lot of battles I’ll have to fight.

“I don’t want you spending so much money on me.”

“You better get used to it,” I tell her. “My card has no limit.”

She rolls her eyes playfully, and my heart lurches when I see a vehicle pull in. “That must be your ride.”

She confirms the plate number on the app before nodding. “You’re right. It is. I’ve got to go.” She smiles. “Thank you for everything.” She points to the bags.

I lean forward and claim her lips because it will be a while before I see her again. My heart squeezes painfully in my chest. “Come on.” I grab all the bags and walk her toward the vehicle. After one last hug, Jasmine slides into the car, and they pull away.

When I return to my vehicle, Damien is already in the driver’s seat. He stepped out earlier to give Jasmine and me some privacy. I order him to follow Jasmine’s Uber, and he turns to me with disbelief.

“Master Alec, we are already one hour late for our flight,” he says. “You don’t want to be late for breakfast with your parents.”

“We’ll make it in time,” I answer. “Follow her.”

He knows better than to argue, so he obeys, his body stiff with reproof. When Jasmine walks safely into her house, we hurry home, grab our luggage, and head to the private airline the Ace family uses. One hour later, I’m air-bound to France, with Damien still frowning in the seat across from me.

The farther we fly away from New York, the unhappier I become. Even though I know I’ll be back, it feels like I’m leaving Jasmine behind. She will probably wonder why I don’t call or text her for the next few weeks. She may also try to reach me, but it’ll be impossible to. I usually have no problem leaving New York behind and embracing my responsibilities in France, but this time, it’s almost unbearable.

“Do you think Jasmine will love France?” I ask aloud.

Damien meets my gaze, and to my surprise, he smiles. “She will. It’s a beautiful country.”

“Hmm.” I smile back and stretch my muscles as I stand. “The ETA is nine a.m. There won’t be enough time to rest before breakfast with my family, so I’m going to nap,” I tell Damien. “It’s a ten-hour flight; I should be able to get about seven hours in.”

“Okay.” Damien nods. “I’m on standby.”

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