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I clear my throat, trying to maintain my composure. “What happened?” I direct the question at her, but before she can answer, Raymond steps in.

“Her hand needs surgery,” he says. He pulls out a stack of cash, the bills crisp and thick, and thrusts it into my palms. “No questions asked.”

I glance at the cash. In my world, morals are just a suggestion. People in certain circles know I get things done, no matter the cost. Raymond must be one of those people, and that’s why he’s brought her to me.

I meet Raymond’s eyes and nod, slipping the money into my pocket. “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

Pamela looks up at me with those wide, innocent eyes, and I start feeling more than just attraction simmering. There’s an undeniable allure about her. Maybe it’s the youth. Or the insane body. Or maybe it’s something deeper than that.

I guide Pamela towards the surgery room, feeling a twinge of excitement but then I see a flicker of worry in her eyes as she looks at me. Maybe she doesn’t trust me because I accepted the money, but she should. I’m good at what I do and I’ll have her repaired in no time.

Once we reach the room, I turn to Raymond. "You can't come any further. You’ll wait outside," I order.

Raymond’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t back down immediately. Instead, he leans in close to Pamela, his hand stroking her hair with a grotesque familiarity that makes me wonder if he really is her brother. This seems a little…sick.

"I'll be right outside the door if you need me," he murmurs, his lips brushing her ear. "And when you're done, I'll buy you a lollipop."

Pamela’s face pales, and she squirms under his touch, her eyes darting to me. The sight ignites something fierce inside me, a possessiveness I didn’t expect. Something weird is going on here. The girl seems scared under his leering gaze, his touch clearly unwelcome.

"That's enough," I snap, my voice stone-cold. Raymond looks up, surprised by my tone. "Leave. Now."

His eyes flash with possessiveness.

”Get out,” I growl and he reluctantly pulls away. He gives Pamela one last lingering look before stalking out of the room, the door clicking shut behind him. I look at the girl again and she’s quietly staring at the floor.

A nurse enters, her presence cutting through the tension and she begins preparing Pamela for surgery. I move to the sink, scrubbing my hands thoroughly, the ritual immediately turning my nerves into steel.

As I clean myself, I feel Pamela’s eyes on me. I glance over, and our gazes lock. Her forest eyes are wide, filled with a mix of concern and something else—desperation, maybe. It’s a look I’ve seen many times before but never quite like this. Not with this intensity.

"Don’t worry," I say, trying to sound reassuring. ”I’ll take care of you."

She nods, a small, hesitant movement. I finish scrubbing and turn back to her, my heart pounding in a way that has nothing to do with the procedure ahead.

As I move to begin, the nurse hands me the first set of instruments, and I feel a surge of determination. This is my domain, my expertise. And I might be morally corrupted but I’m pretty damn good at mending bones.

Let’s just hope that all that’s broken in the girl.



The sterile table is cold, and the room clinical with steel instruments everywhere—it should give me anxiety but instead I feel relieved. At least I’m away from Raymond. In a place where he’s forbidden to enter. And even if only for a short while, I still appreciate it.

And the surgeon…Hugo. I appreciate him too.

Glancing at him, I feel a flutter in my lower belly. It’s an unfamiliar sensation, one that Raymond would be infuriated about if he knew. Hugo’s presence is commanding but not overpowering and he moves with a purpose, his hands steady as he prepares. There’s a rugged strength to him that Raymond lacks. If he threw one punch at Raymond, I bet he could kill the bastard. Next to Hugo, Raymond looks like an overcooked noodle.

I let out a sigh when the nurse administers a liquid tranquilizer, and I feel the initial waves of calm wash over me. Hugo steps closer, his eyes meeting mine and it’s like being introduced to steel.

”Are you putting me under?” I breathe.

"We’re using local anesthesia for this," he says, his voice steady and reassuring. "You’ll feel some pressure in your hand, but it shouldn’t be painful."

I nod, feeling a strange sense of trust in him. I know he’s not like other doctors—Raymond’s bribe made that clear—but there’s something about his clear, strong eyes that makes me believe he won’t hurt me. Not intentionally, at least. There’s nothing sleazy about him, and even if there was, I think I wouldn’t mind. Because he’s just that…cool.

The nurse puts up a screen to shield my view, and I wince as the needle pierces my skin, delivering the local anesthesia. The pain is sharp but brief, replaced by a numbness that spreads through my hand. I try to focus on Hugo’s face, drawing strength from his rigid, ultra-masculine demeanor.

The room falls into a tense silence as they prepare to begin, and I take a deep breath, bracing myself. Don’t say anything you’ll regret…don’t say it….don’t say it…

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