Page 6 of When We Were Us

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"I’ll do all the work," he promised, holding me tightly and rocking. His skillful movements elicited one final, shuddering orgasm from me before I was completely spent. After he came, he gently moved me off him and slipped out of bed.

When I felt him scoop me up, I mumbled against his chest, "No shower."

"I'm just going to clean you," Oliver whispered.

He lifted me effortlessly and placed me on the cool vanity. The chill of the stone seeped into my skin, making me shiver. I watched him move to the closet, retrieving a washcloth and wetting it under the faucet. His touch was gentle and soothing as he cleaned between my legs, the warm water contrasting with the cold surface beneath me.

When he was done, he quickly wiped himself before grabbing a towel to dry us both. My eyelids grew heavy, and I was half-asleep by the time he carried me back to bed.

"I love you, Oliver," I murmured, my voice barely audible as I drifted off.

"I love you too," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

Chapter 2

Since we went to bed relatively early, Oliver woke me at the crack of dawn. His voice was soft but insistent. "Time to work out."

"What time is it?" I mumbled into the pillow, still half-asleep.

"5:30 a.m.," he replied, sounding far too awake for such an ungodly hour.

"Wake me up in an hour," I groaned, trying to burrow deeper into the bed.

"Does that mean you're not working out this morning?" He sounded genuinely curious, and maybe a bit amused.

"I can see Brad after work," I mumbled, hoping he’d take the bait and let me sleep.

"No can do. I want to take you out to dinner after work."

That got my attention. "What's the occasion?" I asked, squinting at him through one open eye.

"Do I need an occasion to take my fiancée out to dinner?"

I grumbled, but the prospect of dinner with him was too appealing to resist. I pulled myself up and pushed the sheet off, accepting my fate.

A few minutes later, I was dressed in terry shorts and a matching sports bra. I tied my hair in a ponytail, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. When I came down the hall, Oliver was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"I see you fed Trouble. Did you let him out?" I asked, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Of course," he said with a smile. "Ready to go?"

I sighed dramatically. "Let's get this over with."

I trudged down the hall to the elevator. Oliver was ahead of me and waited to press the button. I leaned against the wall, eyeing his muscular arms, legs, and chest. He really was something else.

The building gym was empty when we arrived. Oliver headed straight for the stair climber while I took a treadmill near the windows. I started out slowly, but after seven minutes, I was running at full speed, the exhilaration coursing through me. Despite it having been a few days since my last workout, I felt amazing.

I’d avoided the hotel gym while we were in St. Croix, preferring to spend my time on the beach and exploring the town. I had bought a few trinkets for my family and friends at some of the small shops there, so it had been several days.

After twenty minutes on the treadmill, I slowed to a walk before getting off, dripping with sweat. I grabbed a towel to wipe my face, arms, and legs. While I waited for Oliver to finish his cardio, I did some weight training on my upper body.

If I wanted to maintain my sculpted muscles, I needed to keep a routine. I was just finishing a set when Oliver shut down the stepper, climbed off, and grabbed a towel.

"Ready to go?" he called, his voice echoing in the empty gym.

"Maybe," I said, placing the weights back on the rack.

"If you're not, I can wait."

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