Page 41 of When We Were Us

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As I stood there, staring at my reflection, the reality of the day ahead finally hit me. In just a few hours, I'd be walking down the aisle towards Oliver. Towards our future. Despite the lingering nerves, a smile spread across my face. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we'd face them together.

I found Brenda dressed, reading a magazine and drinking a bottle of water when I came into the kitchen. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you feeling okay this morning?" Brenda asked, her eyes scanning my face with concern.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Nervous as fuck. I wish we'd eloped."

She chuckled, shaking her head. "I doubt that. You'll look back at this time and be happy you had a big wedding. You'll have plenty of pictures and memories."

"I'm sure you're right," I admitted, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "I just want the ceremony to be over. I hope I don't screw up."

Brenda placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "If you do, you do. Who's going to question you?"

A smile tugged at my lips as I thought of Oliver. "I can't wait to see him."

"He can't wait to see you in your dress," Brenda said, a knowing look in her eyes. "He was talking to Vlad the other day."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Does he do that often? It seems he only talks to him about security things."

Brenda leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms. "They both like to keep it professional, but there are times they interact on a social level."

"Interesting," I mused, tapping my fingers against the counter. "I've only seen the professional part of it."

Glancing at her watch, Brenda asked, "When are you planning to head over to your brother's place?"

I checked the clock on the wall. "It's only nine. I guess in another hour and a half. I should've worked out this morning. I have so much nervous energy."

"You deserve a break," Brenda said softly, her tone understanding.

I shrugged, pacing the room. "I'll have it for the next two weeks. I wonder how Oliver is going to avoid calling into the office."

"He'll manage," Brenda assured me, but I could hear the doubt in her voice.

"I'm not sure," I muttered, biting my lip.

Changing my mind about having coffee, I headed back to my bedroom. My phone sat on the nightstand, its screen lit up with a notification. My heart skipped a beat as I saw Oliver's name.

With slightly trembling fingers, I picked up the phone, eager to see what message my soon-to-be husband had sent me on our wedding day.

I miss you. Last night was the worst one yet. I’m never agreeing to sleep separately again.

I chuckled to myself because Oliver seemed to be the one who was strong and now I saw he was faltering like me.

I gave you the chance to change your mind yesterday morning so you’re the stubborn one.

You forget, you’re the one that made the decision in the first place.

It was a bad decision; one I’ll never make again. I’ll see you this afternoon.

I’ll be the handsome devil at the end of the aisle.

I chuckled, posting a few more things on social media before double-checking my suitcase to make sure I had everything for our trip to Fox Island. Tonight would be a whirlwind, and our plane was scheduled to leave LaGuardia Airport at 8:00 a.m. sharp.

Satisfied with my packing, I slipped outside onto the patio, shedding my flip-flops to feel the thick grass under my feet. It tickled, a pleasant distraction. Oliver had a maintenance crew come up weekly to trim it with a hand mower he kept in a small shed in the corner of the patio.

The sun felt glorious on my face. I turned towards it, closing my eyes as its warmth seeped into me. The second to last day of July was proving to be a gorgeous one. The sky was nearly cloudless, and the humidity had mercifully dropped since yesterday. It felt like a good omen, a promise of a bright start to our marriage.

At 10:30, I walked back into the penthouse and washed my feet. I grabbed my phone and texted Vlad, asking him to meet me out front.

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