Page 1 of When We Were Us

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I never imagined I would come to despise my husband, but here I was, filled with loathing. Just the sight of Oliver Fox made me feel physically ill. I needed him to answer for his secrets, but he lay there in his hospital bed, the machines around him beeping monotonously, marking time with his unresponsive vitals.

Sometimes, as I sat beside him, I felt an almost irresistible urge to pull the plug on his ventilator. The doctors insisted he would eventually wake, but as the days blurred into weeks, I found myself caring less and less if he ever did. My only anchor was the plan I had meticulously crafted: divorce him and take over his business.

After that horrific night on Fox Island, I returned with a fierce determination to claim the helm of Fox Asset Corporation. At twenty-four, I became one of the youngest CEOs in corporate America, thanks to the power of attorney Oliver had granted me. I held the world in my hands, but it felt more like a weight than a gift. Over the past two months, my bitterness and anger had only grown. My employees hated me, and I didn’t care.

I yearned for the days before everything fell apart—before Oliver was injured, before I discovered the folder of handwritten notes, before I learned about the double life he had concealed from me. And before I bore the physical and emotional scars his deceit had inflicted. I buried those scars deep, keeping them hidden from my family and friends. They had no idea of the truth.

The only person who knew was Ty Barnes. Ty had been my rock, my confidant, as I nursed my wounds. We had grown closer, his presence a balm to my battered soul. At the rate we were going, it seemed inevitable that he would get his wish and have me in his bed. I knew it was wrong to think that way—I was still a married woman—but the thought of it soothed some of the sting from Oliver’s betrayal.

Chapter 1

Early June

"Sweetheart, wake up," Oliver whispered in my ear.

I yawned, straightening my leather seat. We were flying home from St. Croix after three glorious days in the sun and sand. Everything had checked out perfectly with our new home, built to Oliver's exact specifications, along with a few surprises. I decided not to visit Fox Island again until our wedding in five weeks. I could hardly believe it was so soon.

"We have to spend some time going over the returned invitations," I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"I thought you said the deadline for responses wasn’t until the end of June?" Oliver asked, glancing at me curiously.

"It’s not, but for heaven’s sake, we sent out five hundred forty invitations. I have at least half that many still unopened. I don’t even know if they’re all attending. Some might have declined."

"I doubt it," he said confidently.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Because people are curious about how the rich live. My business associates would never say no. They’d be too afraid I wouldn’t do business with them again."

"Seriously? That’s ridiculous. People have lives outside of our wedding," I retorted, shaking my head.

"But this is the wedding," he said with a smug grin.

"Arrogant asshole," I muttered under my breath.

"You’re saying that way too much lately," Oliver remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because it’s true. What’s wrong with you?" I challenged.

I had to admit he was right. My soon-to-be husband at times would let his arrogance leak out not only in business but the bedroom. I had to voice my opinion to take him down a few pegs and it was so much fun to see his expression when I did.

"I’m excited. In five weeks, you’ll be Mrs. Ryleigh Fox," he said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"We’re practically married. We live and work together. Except for your trips, we’re attached at the hip," I pointed out, trying to suppress a smile.

Oliver chuckled. "That rhymes."

"And it’s true. We spend a lot of time together," I said, emphasizing each word.

"Is that a problem?" he asked, his tone suddenly serious.

I scratched at a bit of peeling skin on my arm, thinking back to the relaxing days on the beach with my bodyguards, Brenda and Raquel. It felt like we were just three girlfriends enjoying the sand and ocean, guns in shoulder holsters notwithstanding.

I shook my head. "No. I like spending time with you," I admitted softly.

"I hope you love spending time with me because our marriage is forever," Oliver said, his voice filled with emotion.

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