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I pick up the pen and sign off on each one. “Get these to law enforcement immediately.” I order as I send the digitally signed papers back to Simone.

She nods and moves swiftly to comply.

The anticipation in the room as we wait for confirmation that our actions are in motion feels like an eternity, but there’s no turning back now. We’ve launched the first blow against Ardan, and there’s no stopping until he’s completely dismantled.

My phone buzzes on the desk beside me. A message from law enforcement confirms that they’ve received our documents and are taking action. It’s a small victory in a much larger battle, but it’s a step in the right direction.

“We’re moving forward.” I announce to the room. “Keep pushing. This fight is far from over, but today we’ve taken a crucial step towards victory.”

“Simone, I must sleep at least an hour. And I will be out of touch from about 0500 Alaska time, so make sure you have anything you need from me before then.”

“Will do, boss. Be careful out there. And don’t worry. We know what to do and will make sure Ardan comes down hard.”

Chapter Fifteen

Cordelia Marin

Every muscle in my body is tense, every sense on high alert. This is it. No room for error. The dark, cold waters press in from all sides, a constant reminder of the depths we’re navigating. The faint glow of bioluminescent algae provides enough light to guide us through the murk. I glance back at the team, their sleek forms cutting through the water with practiced ease. Basil struggles to keep up on the enhanced scuba scooter, his movements awkward compared to our fluid grace.

“Stay close. We’re almost there.” My voice carries over the bio monitor’s comms, calm and steady, belying the storm of thoughts raging inside me.

“I’m right behind you.” Basil’s voice crackles back, tinged with effort.

We use the natural underwater features for cover as we approach the lab’s unguarded entrance. Jagged rocks and swaying kelp provide temporary concealment, but the pressure of the water and the adrenaline coursing through me make every second feel like an eternity.

A flicker of movement catches my eye. A school of fish darts past, their scales shimmering briefly before they disappear into the darkness. It’s a reminder of how alive this place is, how much is at stake if we fail.

An entrance to the underwater lab looms ahead, a dark maw against the rock face. We need to get in and out without attracting attention. We are at the trench drop off and swimming up the wall to take positions still under cover of the left-over construction tailings.

I signal to Hal, and he moves forward, the dark coloration of his walrus form blending with the shadows as he assesses the entrance.

“Zara, any signs of security?” She and her team moved ahead, away from this entrance and deeper into the trench.

“None that I see.” Her voice is confident, but cautious. “We are clear for now.”

The cold bite of the water seeps through my body, making me acutely aware of every movement, every breath. If I feel it as a dolphin, how must it be for Basil?

I motion for Basil and BabyDoc to stay close as we move forward. Basil’s breathing is heavy through the comms, but he keeps pace.

“This is as far as we go under cover, Chief Engineer. Are we a go?” Hal hangs in the water before me, his eyes, even in his walrus form, I recognize. He shifts his bulky body, adjusting the combination backpack and utility harness we each wear, customized to fit either human or marine form.

I nod, matching the determined look in his eyes. “Ready. Team C and H, we are a go. Move fast, shifters. Team Z, keep us posted.”

We slip through the marine entrance one by one, careful not to disturb anything that might give away our presence. The interior is tunnel-like and darker than outside, but my eyes adjust quickly. The muted sounds of marine life are replaced by an eerie silence, broken only by our breathing and the hum of distant machinery.

I glance at Basil again. He’s out of his element here, but there’s a resolve in his expression that surprises me.

“We stick to the plan. In and out.”

“Got it.” Basil responds tersely.

We move deeper into the underwater sections of the lab, navigating through corridors and avoiding traps or alarms. My mind races with thoughts of the shifters we’ve come to rescue. I clamp down my mind’s questions about their wellbeing, refusing to accept anything less than each crewman returned to us unharmed.

We finally reach a door with no branching tunnels. This is the entrance to the underground lab.

“Hal. Basil. BabyDoc. You’re up.” I float off to the side, allowing them to approach the ornate door.

Hal moves ahead to work on bypassing the mundane security measures. Basil stands close by, his eyes scanning our surroundings with an intensity that makes me uneasy but also grateful for his vigilance.

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