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Our faces inch closer until our lips meet in a tentative kiss. It starts soft, but quickly deepens as the walls between us crumble. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer until there’s no space left between us.

The kiss is full of unspoken promises and growing affection. His hands move to my waist, anchoring me to him as if afraid I might slip away.

How did we get here? My mind races even as my body responds instinctively to him.

We pull back slightly, our breaths mingling in the small space between us. He rests his forehead against mine, eyes closed as if savoring the moment.

“I’ve wanted since the moment we met.”

“Me too. I felt a connection immediately, but denied…” He cuts off my response, capturing my lips again.

The kiss turns urgent; passion ignites like a wildfire spreading through us both. Clothes become an obstacle quickly discarded until we’re skin against skin—every touch igniting sparks that leave us both breathless.

We move together with an intensity that speaks of all the emotions we’ve held back—the fears and hopes mingling in every caress and whispered word.

Time seems to blur as we lose ourselves in each other completely—the world outside forgotten as we find solace in this shared connection growing stronger by the second.

We move together with an intensity that speaks of all the emotions we’ve held back—the fears and hopes mingling in every caress and whispered word.

Time stands still as our kisses grow hungrier, more feverish. My hands roam over his back, feeling the play of muscles beneath his smooth skin, and he pulls me closer, as if desperate to erase any space between us. His mouth leaves mine, trailing kisses along my jaw and down my neck, igniting a trail of fire that has me arching into him.

“You are even more wonderful than I imagined.” His voice murmurs against my skin, rough with desire. “You’re beautiful, Cordelia.”

I shiver at the sound of my name on his lips, a rush of longing and something deeper coursing through me. “I need you.” My hands tangle in his hair, urging him closer. “Right now.”

He chuckles, the vibrations sending a delicious shudder through me. “Impatient, Chief Engineer?”

“Always.” A small smile comes with the admission. My breath catches as he nibbles on my earlobe. “But especially now.”

His lips find mine again, and our kiss deepens. My body responds eagerly, every touch and sensation magnified. I feel alive, electric, as if every nerve ending is singing with pleasure. His hands move over my body with a mixture of tenderness and possessiveness, as if he’s claiming what is already his.

We lower ourselves to the soft rug in front of the sofa, our movements careful so as not to break this moment of perfect unity. The floor is hard and unyielding, but it might as well be a bed of feathers for all I care. I want this, want him, with an intensity that takes my breath away.

His hands skim over my hips, my thighs, his touch sending shivers of anticipation through me. “You’re sure?” he asks, his eyes searching mine, a hint of uncertainty flickering in their depths.

I nod, my hands moving to cover his. “Certain.”

He smiles then, a slow, sexy grin that sends a bolt of desire straight to my core. “Then let’s take our time.” His voice is a husky whisper. “I want to savor every inch of you.”

Basil’s lips find mine once more, his kiss both demanding and tender. My fingers trace the contours of his face, his shoulders, marveling at the feel of him. With slow, deliberate movements, he begins to undress me, his eyes never leaving mine, as if seeking my permission with every article of clothing he removes. I oblige, eagerly shedding my clothes, wanting to feel his skin against mine.

As the last barrier falls away, he traces the curves of my body with reverent hands, his mouth following, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in its wake. I arch into him, my breath coming in sharp gasps as he explores every inch of me with excruciating slowness.

“You’re perfect.”

I shake my head, my cheeks flushing with pleasure. “It’s you who’s perfect.” My hands move to pull him closer.

He chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest. “We have all night to trade compliments.” The tease in his words is matched by the desire in his dark eyes. “But right now, I plan to worship you.”

And worship me he does, with a passion and intensity that leaves me breathless. Every touch, every kiss, every caress is a declaration of his desire, and I respond in kind, my body alive with a pleasure so intense it’s almost painful.

As our passion builds, our movements become more urgent, our kisses more frenzied. I feel the coiled tension within him, mirroring my own, and know we’re both teetering on the edge. With a final, desperate kiss, we surrender to the inevitable, our bodies moving in perfect sync as we find release together.

In the aftermath, we lie tangled together, our hearts pounding and our breath coming in ragged gasps. He pulls me close, his arms tight around me, as if he never wants to let me go. I rest my head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, and feel a sense of peace and completion I’ve never known before.

“That was...” He trails off, as if words fail him.

“Amazing.” I finish for him, a soft smile curving my lips. “Absolutely amazing.”

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