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I glance around, realizing she’s right. We’re alone for now, but that could change at any moment. The risk of discovery adds an edge to the moment, a thrill that’s both exciting and dangerous.

“My cabin.” I suggest, my voice hoarse with need. “It’s closer.”

She nods, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen from our kisses. We rise together, our bodies still entwined, and make our way across the deck, eager to find a place where we can continue to explore this unexpected connection without interruption.

Cordelia and I walk down a quiet corridor, heading towards my cabin. The cool air inside the ship brushes against my skin, but it does nothing to quell the storm brewing in my mind. Each step feels heavier than the last, like wading through molasses.

“It’s too much...” I mutter, gripping the wall for support. “I can feel everything...”

The world around me blurs, colors blending into a chaotic swirl. Voices—disjointed and overlapping—flood my senses. It’s as if every thought, every emotion on this ship crashes into me all at once. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block it out, but the noise only grows louder.

Cordelia’s touch is an anchor. Her hand finds mine, firm and grounding. “Focus on my voice.”

I follow her instruction, finding her soft voice a lifeline in the maelstrom. “Focus on my touch. You’re not alone in this, Basil.”

Her words cut through the cacophony. I latch onto them, drawing in a shaky breath. Her presence becomes my focal point, a beacon of calm in the chaos.

She steps closer, her other hand cupping my cheek. Her skin is warm against mine, and her eyes hold an intensity that steadies me. “Stay with me. Let the experience wash over you and draw the energy into your gut.”

I nod weakly, struggling to push back against the flood of sensations threatening to drown me.

“Good.” Her voice soothes like a lullaby. “Breathe with me.”

We inhale together—slow and deliberate—then exhale. The rhythmic rise and fall of our chests synchronize, creating a bubble of calm around us.

The psychic noise fades, replaced by the tactile reality of Cordelia’s touch. Her thumb strokes my cheek gently, her fingers intertwined with mine.

“You’re doing great.” Her breath ghosts over my lips. An intoxicating scent of saltwater clings to her skin, mingling with something uniquely Cordelia. My focus narrows to her—to the steady cadence of her breathing and the warmth radiating from her body.

Gradually, the overwhelming sensations recede to a manageable hum. I open my eyes and find Cordelia watching me intently.

“Better?” she asks.

I nod again, swallowing hard. “Yeah... thanks to you.”

She offers a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes—concern still lingers there.


We gather in Captain Voss’s ready room, a tight space filled with charts and navigation tools. The air is thick with urgency. Cordelia stands beside me, her posture tense. Zara paces near the door, and Captain Voss leans over a large map spread across her desk.

“We’re dealing with forces beyond our usual scope. We need to be prepared for anything.” Voss pauses, her eyes scanning each of us. “Cordelia, you have an update for us?”

“Yes, Captain. The information from the whistleblower tells us Ardan is experimenting with shifter DNA. He’s after immortality and using dark magic to corrupt the enchanted waters. His research facility is on Lemesurier Island, near Glacier Bay. It is both underground and underwater with water and air lock chambers between the two facilities. Lemesurier is a protected wildlife preserve, so it is not clear how or if he has a title or permission to use the island. The only structures on the island are a group of small cabins which camouflage the surface entrance to the underground lab. The lack of surface structures explains why this lab was undetected.”

Her eyes search my face as she stops speaking, before turning back to the captain. “Our missing crew members are being held there. This is shifter business. The regional shifter council has been informed. We are authorized to take action. And, Captain, we can’t afford to waste time. Ardan’s scientists are conducting experiments using our crew as guinea pigs.”

My mind races. Strategy—this is my domain. I take a deep breath, grounding myself in familiar territory. “Captain Voss, if I may add my thoughts?”

“Yes, please, Mr. Jenks.”

“Assuming you intend to mount a rescue, we have two fronts to tackle at the same time. We disrupt Ardan’s takeover bid by revealing his illegal activities to the authorities, and we hit his research facility hard and fast to rescue your crew.”

Zara stops pacing, her attention now fully on me. “How can we stop his takeover bid?”

“It’s already underway. Simone, my extremely efficient assistant, has my entire team digging into Ardan’s financials. We will use the power and influence at my disposal to ensure the evidence is presented to the right people. We will halt his takeover bid and put a serious crimp in his business. The public outrage we generate will keep Ardan from covering up or buying his way out of the legal quagmire I will toss him into. I will eviscerate his empire.”

Captain Voss nods slowly. “And the facility?”

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