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“Or perhaps I’m simply keeping an eye on things.”

She leans against the railing, her eyes scanning the horizon. The silence between us stretches. It’s not comfortable. Too many unspoken words swarm in the air between us.

“Your crew seems... perturbed by my presence.” I venture an opening gambit, watching her closely.

“This ship has secrets, as you’ve come to realize.” She meets my gaze. “And not all are meant to be uncovered.”

Frustration bubbles beneath my calm facade. “You expect me to ignore the oddities I see on this ship? Pretend everything is fine?”

“For your safety and that of the ship? Yes.” Her eyes narrow slightly. “These are mysteries best left unsolved.”

She knows something. They all do. What am I missing?

“Best for whom? You’re talking in riddles, Captain.” I smash my fist down on the railing, startling us both as I struggle to maintain control of my rising irritation and temper. “If there’s something I need to know, now’s the time.”

Her lips press into a thin line. “Cordelia is important to this ship—to these waters—more than you realize.”

My mind races. “And you’re saying I’m in danger because of her?”

“I’m saying that digging too deep too soon has consequences.

“Cryptic warnings and vague threats aren’t going to stop me.” I turn to face her, taking a step closer. “If there’s a danger, I demand specifics.”

Her gaze softens slightly, pitying. “Your determination is admirable, but take care it doesn’t become your downfall.”

Every word she utters only fuels my frustration and determination.

Before I press further, Captain Voss steps back and turns away. “Good night, Mr. Jenks.”

I watch as she walks away, leaving me with more questions than answers. Turning again, I lean against the railing and look out at the waves of the inner passage we’re sailing. The wind swirls up, bringing a burst of cold air, and I pull my hood up.

The breeze clears my mind of frustration, and I am about to go back inside when a sound catches my attention. I lean over, looking down at the waves whispering against the hull. Their song is a lure, tempting me, promising me… The whispers grow loud, swirl around and engulf me. “Come... join us... secrets in the deep...”

I reach out, yearning, desperate to join…

Join what? The ship shifts and I’m bounced against the railing, grabbing hold with both hands to avoid being tossed overboard. I shake my head and look around. Confused and angry, I yank open the deck door and return to my wandering inside the ship.

What is this ship doing to me?

Chapter Six

Cordelia Marin

Basil moves on again, and I slip through the shadows, trailing him to the bow of the ship. The night air is cool, salty, and thick with an almost tangible tension.

He stops near the railing, staring out at the ocean, and I hold back, watching.

The captain steps out of the shadows. Basil seems surprised to see her. They talk briefly and she leaves Basil looking at the ocean.

The waves whisper against the hull, their song a haunting lullaby. Basil leans forward, his expression shifting, becoming entranced. His eyes glaze over as if he’s hearing words beyond human perception.

The whispers… I hear them now. Growing louder, swirling around us. “Come... join us... secrets in the deep...”

I shiver, but not from the cold air. A siren call. The language is ancient, familiar yet elusive. It tugs at my memories, fragments of stories told by my elders. This ocean’s voice is seductive and dangerous.

Basil’s lips part slightly as if he’s about to speak to the waves. His hand reaches out over the water, fingers trembling.

He hears the voices! But how? What do you see, Basil? What do you hear?

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