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“I agree, Zara. There is no way for a crewman with a bio monitor embedded to leave this ship unnoticed.”

“Chief Engineer.”

“Aye, captain?”

“You will investigate this along with the Security Chief and Zara. And I want Basil Jenks included. He has resources we may need..”

My jaw tightens. Involving Basil feels like handing a loaded gun to someone who doesn’t know it’s pointed at their own foot. But Captain Voss’s tone leaves no room for argument. What do you know, Captain, that we don’t?

I nod reluctantly and turn towards Zara. “Stay here, keep looking for clues.” I instruct before heading out.

The walk to Basil’s suite feels endless. My mind races with every possible scenario—none of them good—and steel myself as knock sharply on his cabin door.

Seconds later, the door swings open. My eyes widen as I take in the sight before me—he’s wearing only a pair of sleek, silky black boxer underwear. His torso is sculpted, every muscle defined and glistening faintly in the low light. For a moment, I forget to breathe, my cheeks flushing with heat that has nothing to do with the temperature of the corridor.

I struggle to mask my reaction, but the flicker of amusement in his eyes tells me I’ve failed miserably. He leans casually against the open door, a smirk playing at the edges of his lips.

“Didn’t expect company.” His voice drips humor and sensual promise. The way his gaze lingers on me sends a hot bolt to my core. “Is this a social call?”

I clear my throat, to regain my composure. “We need to talk.” My voice is steadier than I feel. Not waiting for an invitation, I push past him into his suite. The heat radiating from his body burns in my cheeks, and I fight the urge to glance back.

The door closes behind me with a soft click. The room is opulent, a stark contrast to the disrupted crew cabin I just left. Basil arches an eyebrow, head cocked, and arms crossed over his chest as he watches me. “This must be important if it dragged you here this early. Business, then. Not pleasure?” His smirk deepens. He’s enjoying my discomfort.

“Two crewmen are missing. Including second lieutenant Jake Gordon, who escorted you onto this ship yesterday.” I blurt out my news in a voice taut with urgency.

His eyes narrow, assessing me. “And you think I am involved or can help? Which?”

“The coincidence is difficult to accept. You come on board and strange things happen. So yes, I think you are involved. To what extent and for what reason, I don’t pretend to know. The captain believes you will help us. I’m not convinced.”

“Alright then. I’ll get dressed. Let’s find Lieutenant Jake.”

“We found their cabin in disarray. It looks like there was a struggle.”

His expression hardens. “Ms. Marin, if there’s foul play on my future ship, I need to know everything.”

If only you knew how little you actually know, Basil Jenks. I push the thought aside. “You’ll be involved, but there are things—details—you don’t need to know.”

His eyes narrow. “I’m not a fan of half-truths. If we’re going to find him, I need full disclosure.”

I cross my arms, matching his intensity. “And what makes you think you’re equipped to handle everything?”

He steps closer, his presence overwhelming. “I didn’t get where I am by shying away from the unknown.”

Great, now he’s self-righteous too. My frustration boils over. “This isn’t about business acumen, Jenks. There are layers here you can’t even begin to comprehend.”

He tilts his head slightly, studying me like a puzzle he’s determined to solve. “Try me.”

The tension between us crackles like static electricity. I hold his gaze, unwilling to back down.

“Fine. But we do this my way.”


I glance around the suite, taking in the luxurious furnishings and the understated elegance that screams wealth and power. It’s almost enough to distract me from our mission.

“We’ll start with the ship’s security footage.” I say briskly, heading for the door as he pulls on a hoody that cost more than my monthly salary. It’s easy to forget just how entitled and rich he is.

Hold it together, I tell myself as I step into the ship’s security office. Focus on finding Jake.

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