Page 64 of King Of Nothing

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“I’m good.”


So, fucking sweet.

“Promise.” I walk toward her and drop a kiss on her forehead. “Pack.”

“Okay.” She hurries to the closet while I talk to the chief of staff.

It takes him a few minutes to get the information I request about my grandmother, but when he comes back on the phone, he’s able to let me know that due to her having a hemorrhage stroke, they have been discussing surgery options to take some of the pressure off her brain. None of that is reassuring, but he promises to keep me filled in until I can make it there. When I hang up, Elora is finishing up packing and helps me get my shit together before the two of us jump in the shower.

Thirty minutes later, with Elora sitting next to me in the back of a Town Car, we head to the airport, and for the first time in weeks, I dial my mom’s number.

“Please tell me you’re coming home,” she answers with stark pain in her voice, and I latch tighter onto Elora’s hand.

“I’m on my way to the airport now.”

“She’s been asking for you.”

“As soon as I know what time we’ll land, I’ll send you a text.”



“I’m sorry,” she cuts me off, and my eyes slide closed. “I’ve wanted to tell you that a million times since you left.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” I say quietly, and Elora’s hand squeezes mine.

“I’ll see you when you get here.”

“I’ll text.” I hang up and let my head fall back to the headrest behind me.

“You’ll be there soon,” Elora assures me softly, and I turn my head to look at her, wishing like fuck that we weren’t rushing to New York because of the possibility I might lose my grandmother. The woman who taught me everything I know about real estate and believed in me when no one else did.



40.7128° N, 74.0060° W

Looking out the tinted window of the limo, I try to keep the wide-eyed look off my face as we drive through New York City, but it’s impossible. The buildings are so tall and wide that they make an imposing backdrop to the controlled chaos on the streets, which are filled with hundreds of people and just as many cars.

As many pictures and videos as I’ve seen of the city, none of them encompassed exactly how overwhelming it would be in person. Even from the car, the energy radiates through my body like a quiet hum.

When Roman’s hand on my thigh tightens, I glance at him and see the worry and stress etched into his handsome features. He’s had the same look since Jimmy showed up this morning at the hotel, and even though he’s tried to pretend he’s okay, I know he’s not. Then again, how could he be after finding out his grandmother is in the hospital and will likely need major surgery?

My eyes go to the seat across from us, and I press my lips together when I catch Jimmy looking at me. The guy rubs me the wrong way, and it has nothing to do with the way he acts as if he’s God’s gift to humankind nor the arrogant way he carries himself. It’s something else, something I haven’t been able to put my finger on. What I do know for sure is he’s a dick.

From the moment we got to the airport in Vegas, he’s made it clear my presence is unwanted, and I literally had to talk Roman into not tossing him off the plane for his snide remarks. Something I later regretted doing while sitting through an almost five-hour flight with him glaring at me between typing away on his cell phone.

As the car begins to slow on a street that isn’t as busy as some of the others we’ve driven down since coming over the bridge into Manhattan, my heart pounds, and nervous energy makes my breathing stutter.

The concept of joining Roman in New York at some point was not something I put much thought into. I never considered meeting his family, especially not under such difficult circumstances.

But as we park in front of the hospital, I know there is no way for me to avoid meeting them now. After double parking, the driver—a large older man who Roman introduced as Robert when he picked us up at the airport—exits and walks around the hood. As soon as he opens the back door, Jimmy jumps out like the car is on fire.

“Goodbye to you too,” I mutter, and Roman chuckles, getting out after him. Turning back toward me, he reaches for my hand and helps me out.

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