Page 79 of The Billionaire

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Would Greer even want to do that again after losing one?

“I’ve been thinking,” I said to him, “about what she said about a baby. Would that be something you’d want?”

Greer took my hand. “Do you want kids?”

Did I? Before him, I would have said no. But now... “I like the idea of having a little Greer running around. Not a Katherine, but a Greer would work.”

He laughed at my remark. “I guess it’s something to think about. But my age...”

“ not an issue. We’ll put it on the back burner for now. We’ve got plenty of time.”

But did we? Greer looked at me warily, but nodded. “Okay, sweetheart.” I could see the doubt in his eyes, and it concerned me.

“I guess we better figure out our last name, huh?”

He smiled. “That’s a great place to start.”



Our plane touched down shortly after seven, marking the official end of our trip. I was somewhat sad that our adventure had ended, but my new reality was not the same as when we left. Instead of going home alone, I returned with the love of my life.

Austin turned on his phone for the first time in days as the sound of multiple notifications began to fill the air. He scanned them, then simply turned the ringer off, and pocketed his phone. “I’m not ready to deal with any of that.”

“I’m sure I have a million waiting on me, but I think I’ll just turn mine off until tomorrow.”

He reached over and tucked a finger into the collar of my shirt before pulling me into a kiss. I could definitely get used to this kind of treatment.

After a quick goodbye to my flight crew, we descended the steps onto the tarmac. Making my way to the waiting car, Austin followed a few paces behind. Turning, I looked at him.

“What’s wrong?”

He looked at me with a questioning gaze. “Are we going home together? Or am I going back to the condo with Dreamboat?”

I closed the distance between us until I stood only inches from him. The now-familiar late day scent of him filled my head, making me smile. “Where do you want to go?”

“With you,” he said, running a finger down my cheek. “Always with you. Wherever that may be.”

I skated my fingers around his neck and pulled his mouth to mine for a kiss. When I pulled back, I looked him in the eyes. “That’s exactly where I want to be. With you, wherever that may be. I thought I made that clear.”

He bit his bottom lip and looked at me. “We were living a fantasy down there. I pushed you into marrying me, and I thought you might need some space to get used to all this.”

I dropped our bags on the ground and pulled him close to drive my meaning home. “Let me be clear. I’ve had fourteen years’ worth of space, and that was fourteen years too much. So, unless you’re having second thoughts, we’re rock solid, baby. Just like my defensive line.”

Austin smiled down at me. “Okay. Just had to make sure. You mind stopping by the condo on the way?”

I kissed him quickly before releasing him. “Absolutely. Let’s go.”

Grabbing his hand, I wasn’t taking any chances with him. I knew it would take some time for him to be completely secure with me, and I had no problem reassuring him how much he meant to me.

The twenty-minute drive to the condo was filled with logistics. “How soon can you move all your stuff to my penthouse?”

Austin smiled over at me as he drove my Jaguar across town. “I guess I could do it tomorrow. Is that soon enough?”

I shrugged. “I suppose. Is there any reason we couldn’t pack a suitcase or two tonight and take it with us? You know, lessen the load.”

When he pulled up to a stoplight, I watched my handsome new husband’s face break into a smile. “You’re concerned about my load?”

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