Page 53 of The Linebacker

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Cole tried to stifle his laugh with a smile and nodded. “We can go anywhere you want, but home sounds good.”

When we got off the elevator and made our way to the door, we were met by the media, shouting questions at us.

“Patrick, is it true that you’ve got brain damage?” I snickered at that one.

“Can you tell us if you’re going to be able to play this season?”

We pushed through the crowd and made our way toward the car.

“Is there more to your relationship with Cole than you’ve said?”

“Did your wreck have anything to do with him?”

When we got to the car and connected with Bluetooth, I told my phone to call Aidan.

Cole started the car and tried to back out. “What the fuck? Why won’t they get out of the fucking way?”

Aidan answered before Cole finished. “Patrick. What’s going on?”

“We’ve been surrounded by reporters at the hospital. Can’t back out of the parking lot.”

“Hang tight. We’ll get hospital security and the police.”

I heard him talking to someone, then he was back. “Jesse’s got the police and Daredevil is calling hospital security. Cole, stay put until they can clear the way for you. Guess you guys can’t go out without detail for a while.”

I shook my head. “And who would that be?”

“I don’t know. That would be up to Jesse, but Daredevil is around.”

Cole’s head pressed to the back of the seat as we waited.

“We might never leave again,” he muttered.

Hospital security showed up within a couple minutes, as did a couple of police cars. When they’d cleared the way, Cole was able to pull out with a police escort off the hospital property. The cruiser followed us until we got through our security gate.

Neither of us said anything until we were safely locked inside the garage.



After the reporters surrounded us outside of the hospital, we stayed in for a few days. We still needed to take care of the car and decided to ask Michael and Adam to come with us.

So the following week, we made the ride out to the holding yard. I’d been trying to prepare myself for Patrick’s response, and just like Cooper had said, the longer I waited, the bigger it grew. So whatever happened, tonight I was going to tell him how I was to blame for his accident.

Michael pulled up to the storage facility and went inside. Adam sat in front and scanned the area.

“I’m not seeing anything, gents. But He-Man is better at the stealth thing. To keep his skills sharp, sometimes I hide naked in the apartment, and he has to find me.”

I looked at Patrick, who looked back at me. Turning to my best friend, I could see he was bullshitting me. “You asshole! We don’t want to know that shit!”

Adam cackled. “You should see your faces. It’s almost as funny as when you two were trying to keep your thing for each other a secret, and I asked Patrick to the dance.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t kill you.”

Patrick just looked on in amusement at us. “You’re one of a kind, Adam.”

“Oh, no I’m not. There’s another one down in Long Beach who goes by the name of Jaden. His sisters are ready to go back to school, and they’ve only been home a week.”

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