Page 21 of The Linebacker

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His eyes went wide for a single moment as he looked around and took in the football giants standing around the room. These men were beloved to the city of Portland, as was Patrick. It made me wonder if he knew who he’d been operating on.

The man approached and held out his hand. “I’m Dr. Ryan, the attending trauma surgeon. I wanted to update you on Mr. Griffin.”

“Thank you,” I said, allowing a sob to escape. I tried to shove it back down. “Sorry. We’re…” He nodded and took a seat at the table and I followed him down. Simon came over to sit close by.

“I understand. I wanted to let you know I just finished up with Mr. Griffin. Dr. Sanchez was just getting started and will answer any questions you might have after she finishes. We had three concerns going into surgery. First, we needed to find and stop the bleeding. When I got in, I found he had sustained a laceration in his spleen that was causing it. We were able to get that stopped without having to remove it completely. We’ll be keeping an eye on him for any complications, but I don’t expect there to be any issues. He does have cuts and bruises, and some abrasions that are consistent with the airbags. There’s no need to be alarmed when you see him.”

“Okay, that’s good. Really good.”

He nodded. “The second issue is his left forearm, which was broken in two places. As I said, Dr. Sanchez is working on it now. The third thing is the head trauma. He sustained a blow to the front of his head. We ran a CT scan, which shows some swelling, but we expect that to go down. Neurology is monitoring it and will keep a close eye on him up in their ICU.”

Tears started to form, so I cleared my throat. “He is going to wake up, right?”

He looked at me sympathetically. “We hope so, Mr. Bradley. It’s possible that it might take some time.”

Dr. Ryan looked at Simon. “Are you going to be the GP on record?”

“Yes. I have access to his medical records, so I’ll be able to manage his case.”

“When can I see him?” My voice sounded desperate.

“After she finishes and we get him settled in the ICU. He’s only allowed one visitor at a time for no longer than 20 minutes.”

My back stiffened. “You’re going to need to change that rule. I realize they need to get to him, and I’ll get out of the way when the time comes. But I’m not leaving his side until I take him home. But you do think he’s going to go home, right?”

“Yes, I do. And I understand. I’ll see what I can do. Do you have any more questions for me?”

“Not right now.”

Dr. Ryan nodded once. “Okay, I’ll have the nurse let you know when you can go up. I’ll be in to check on him in a couple hours. Neuro will be in as well.”

“Thank you,” I said, standing.

He smiled, then turned to Simon. “Come on back and I’ll get you updated on all the technical things.”

Simon followed him out the door, and I went back to worrying.

I wouldn’t be able to really breathe until I saw him.



It was almost six a.m. when the nurse came to get me from the waiting room. Simon had gone up to the ICU with Patrick when he was taken up, and it brought me great comfort to know he wasn’t alone. Simon would keep me in the loop with everything.

“We’re going to stay here until you see him,” Adam said. “I’m not leaving until someone comes down and tells me something.”

I nodded. “Okay. I’ll text or ask Simon to. I’m not leaving once I get in there.”

Adam pulled me into a hug. “I’ll bring you whatever you need.”

I looked around at everyone still here. “You all should go home and get some rest. We’ll update everyone later. I promise.”

Alex stood up. “Okay. If you need anything, let us know.”

“I will.”

Marcus and Jesse headed out with him, along with Jackson.

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