Page 63 of The Billionaire

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The baby. Damn, I haven't even had time to really take it in. I'm going to be a dad, I'm equal parts overjoyed and scared. She was still so young, though she didn't seem to mind too much after her initial fears had been assuaged.

I guess I'll worry for both of us. She had so much faith in me. I'll have to be ever careful not to let her down. After this shit was put to bed I can concentrate on all the ways my life will be changing in the not too distant future.

The place was buzzing with activity when we finally arrived. Dad had things set up as best he could under the hurried circumstances. With the need for secrecy he'd had to call in some favors but he'd got the job done it looked like.

He had a couple rooms set up for triage and I noticed most of his female colleagues were on hand. I'd left it up to his discretion who he wanted to wrangle into helping him out.

"We're all set and ready to go son. I’ve spoken to your guy in the air and apparently they're all steady on their feet no known traumas or outward wounds have been reported, so it'll probably be more running tests and having Charlotte talk to the females.”

“Get a feel as to how much mental damage has been done, and where we need to go from there. I have to tell you son this is gonna cause a shit storm. Are you prepared for the fallout, is Ashley?"

That was the question wasn't it? The one thing that kept me on the edge as to what exactly I was going to do.

"I don't want her involved if at all possible."

"That might not be possible son, the way this thing is unraveling somebody's gonna talk, too many people involved. We have to figure out how to get these kids back with their families and back into society, it's going to be rough."

"And if I know my wife she's gonna want to have a hand in that." Just one more thing for me to worry about.

"She's a good girl your Ashley you did good there son."

"Thanks dad. What did you tell mom about this?"

"As little as I could get away with you know your mother, she'd probably hunt the bastard down herself. I've asked her to keep her cool for now until we see how it plays out.”

“Last I saw before I left the house she was starting research on how to make sure the senator doesn't slip through the cracks."

He shook his head as he smiled. "You've got men on the house though right?"

"Yep she's surrounded, not to worry son."

I left dad and walked around the house to make sure everything was as it should be. I wasn't expecting any trouble here but you never know what the hell could go wrong.

I needed to see them settled so I could get back to her. I hadn't realized that it had been a while since we'd spent any time apart. Since she came home from the hospital I haven’t been more than a few feet away from her or at least monitoring her while I did something else.

What was going to happen when this was all over and things went back to normal?

"Thorpe, we've got a problem."

"What is it Gage?" I turned to the other man expectantly. Please don't let the plane have gone down or some shit now.

"The code for your panic room has been activated." My heart dropped even as I checked the little device he passed off to me. I was moving even as I read the screen. My men were right on my heels as I rushed past dad.

"I've got to go dad Blossom..." I couldn't say anymore as my knees threatened to give out on me. I barely made it into the back of the already idling car.

"She's probably safe boss, I think she's the one who went in, no one can get in there..."

"Just get me to her and Gage...if it's him he's dead, get everything ready."

"On it boss."


We entered the house through a secret compartment into the underground office. My heart hasn't stopped beating me to death since I got the news but I was steady as a fucking rock.

According to what I found here someone might very well die in the next five minutes. She had to be okay, I won't accept anything less, I hadn't found her only to lose her like this a scant few months later, life couldn't be that fucking cruel.

Gage motioned to me with a finger to his lips; there was movement beyond the door. I made my way cautiously over to the cameras to see what was going on.

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