Page 5 of The Billionaire

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"What do you mean?" She seemed alarmed by my words.

"Nothing sinister I promise, just that I plan on approaching him soon."

"He'll never allow it." Did she seem a little saddened by that? Her voice had gone even softer if that were possible.

"He will". I’ll make sure of it.

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I'll make it so. How about you Ashley, would you like to get to know me better?"

"I don't know." She bit her fucking lip and it took all my human strength not to take her right then and there in broad daylight. What the fuck was this kid doing to me? Who the fuck was she?

"Don't do that sweetheart." I reached out with my thumb and pulled her lip from between her teeth.

"Sorry." So shy, such a fucking turn on, I couldn't wait to have her, to make her mine in every way possible. It was going to be a delight to teach her to be just what I wanted her to be in bed and out.

"No, don't be sorry, just try not to do that unless we're alone together behind closed doors." She looked up at that to find that I was very serious though I wasn’t sure she quite got my meaning.

"Have you ever been in a relationship with a boy before Ashley?" I didn’t even like asking that fucking question which made no sense whatsoever. That’s it, I’d lost my fucking mind in the last month or so. It was the stress of high living andback to back business dealings.

"No I haven't." I actually breathed easier hearing that.

"Why not? She shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

"You're gorgeous Ashley, don't tell me no one has ever asked you out before."

"My dad doesn't think it's a good idea."

"I see." I'll have to get to the bottom of that later, for now I didn't see it as a problem, there wasn't anything I wouldn't overcome to have her.

"That's why I don't think you should tell him anything." Her voice was suddenly very earnest almost pleading. Huh is she implying what I think she is?

"You mean we should sneak around behind his back?" She blushed again. "It might be better that way." So she was interested, that's all I needed to know. Not that I wouldn't have talked her around otherwise, but this made things easier.

"No Ashley, there will be no sneaking around for us, everything we do will be open and honest. Have no fear little one, I'm sure your father will see things my way."

Of course he will, I didn't plan on giving him a choice. I didn't get to where I am by taking no for an answer. Especially not when it came to something that I really wanted. I let nothing stand in my way. And Ashley is the one thing I've wanted this strongly in a long, long time. I will have her by fair means or foul.


I've chosen my timing for the best effect. I will not do this while she's in the house she’s now become my first priority. Her young untouched heart mine to protect. There might be things said here that might cause hurt, also I do not wish for her to witness a certain...shall we say, less than exemplary side of me if it should arise.

Hopefully she'll never have to see that side ever but it certainly won't do to have her see me like that so early in our relationship.

I had my driver pull up to the house ten minutes after I'd been assured that she'd left for school. I knew her dad had about another half hour before he left for his shift at the station. This shouldn't take too long, even if the other man proved to be difficult.

I made and broke deals in less time with worthier opponents. I had no doubt about the outcome of this little meeting. With the information I’d gathered the man would be an ass to fuck with me on this.

She has no idea that I was coming here today. I hadn't wanted her to worry herself over the outcome, and I also didn't want her to inadvertently warn her father of my approach, sometimes the element of surprise was your greatest weapon.

It had been two days since our first meeting, a meeting that had ended with me stealing a kiss. How could I resist? Could a dying man resist an oasis in the desert? She'd been just as sweet as I'd dreamt she would be and that little taste had just whetted my appetite for more.

She was expectedly skittish in my arms but that just added to her appeal. I'd promised her after that first shared kiss that I'd be back for her and I aimed to keep that promise come hell or high water. No one, not even the top cop in some little town was going to stand in my way.

Her father answered the door on the second knock. He looked about the same as his picture, which I'd had my security snap while they were doing a background check on him. I liked knowing who I'm dealing with and since he was not only the law in this town, but the father of the young woman I meant to claim I needed to know as much as I possibly could.

It’s a good thing I had, but a picture was one thing, seeing the man in the flesh quite another. I called on all the etiquette-training mom had tried to drill into me as a youth not to do what I so badly wanted. I had to think of my little Blossom.

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