Page 67 of Shadowed Past

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“Am I what?” he asked, frowning.

“Have you reached the age of consent for your people?” she repeated patiently.

Her question seemed to surprise the Beast Kindred, but he nodded warily.

“I had my Manhood Rites six solar months ago.”

“Good! Then I’m going to buy you.” She stroked his cheek lovingly. “And you’re going to learn to please me in every way.”

“Wait—what about my friend?” the Beast Kindred asked hopefully, nodding at Thrax who had been watching the entire exchange silently.

“Oh my dear, I’m sorry but I’m afraid I can only train one male at a time.” Mistress Sweetwater looked regretfully at Thrax. “But I’m certain your friend will land on his feet—he has a certain savage quality that most Mistresses will just love.”

She paid for the Beast Kindred and then led him away on a leash, leaving Thrax alone on his pedestal.

A moment later, a new Mistress arrived—one that Andi recognized.

It’s that bitch, Mistress Stoneheart! She wished she could slap the other woman’s face. But when she tried, her hand simply passed right through the Yonnite’s head as she walked up to examine Thrax from all angles. She felt his muscles, tugged on his horns, and even grabbed his cock, which was dangling between his legs.

Thrax winced as she tugged on him and a look of pure hatred and shame passed over his face for a moment. It was almost too much for Andi, seeing her partner so young and vulnerable, being molested by the heartless Mistress.

“You bitch!” she snapped at Mistress Stoneheart. “Leave him alone!”

Thrax’s head jerked up and he looked directly at her. For a moment it seemed to Andi that their eyes met. Then the younger Thrax shook his head and looked away, as though dismissing something he thought he’d imagined.

It wasn’t much, but it gave Andi hope.

“How much for this male?” Mistress Stoneheart demanded of the Saurian Slaver, who had been watching her inspection with greedy eyes.

“For an esteemed Missstresss like yourself, only five hundred thousand creditsss,” he hissed.

“What? You must think I’m made of money!” she protested. “One hundred thousand and not a centine more!”

As the two of them haggled, Andi stepped close to the younger Thrax, still kneeling on the pedestal.

“Hey,” she said in a low voice. “Can you see me? Can you hear me?”

Thrax looked around, frowning, but didn’t answer her. Andi had the feeling that her partner could almost hear her but not quite. Still, he could clearly feel her presence.

“I want you to know you’re not alone in this,” she said to him, reaching out to stroke his cheek. For a moment, it almost felt like she was making contact and Thrax turned his head towards her hand.

But then the moment ended and Mistress Stoneheart paid for him and put a pain collar around his neck. She led him away on the end of the leash and the memory abruptly ended.

There was a moment of darkness, like someone blinking their eyes, and then Andi found herself in a different memory.

In this memory, the younger Thrax was tied to a post, both his hands raised above his head and bound tightly together at the wrists. To her horror, Andi saws that his broad back was a mass of bloody stripes. Looking to her left, she saw Mistress Stoneheart standing there with a long, crackling whip in her hand. Blue sparks of electricity jumped from the end of it, spitting and sparking all over the place.

“Have you had enough or do you need another taste of the pain whip?” she asked coldly.

“Gods, no more—please!” Thrax rasped out. “I’ll do what you want—just stop with the fucking whip!”

“Language!” Mistress Stoneheart snapped. The whip cracked again and another bloody stripe appeared across Thrax’s shoulder blades.

Andi couldn’t bear to watch her partner beaten.

“Stop it!” she shouted and ran to try and get the whip out of the other woman’s hand. She still couldn’t touch the whip or the woman wielding it, but she found she could get between the whip and the younger Thrax. It hurt when the whip fell—a kind of sharp, stinging shock. But Andi’s interference kept the whip from breaking the big Hybrid’s skin again—it was almost like she was muffling the blows as they came.

Mistress Stoneheart clearly couldn’t understand what was going on.

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