Page 42 of Shadowed Past

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“I’m sorry I brought you out here for nothing,” Queen Pantyitch apologized. “I thought this male would be our next stud, but he produces hardly any seed at all.” She held up the plasticine bag as proof.

“Really?” Mistress Stoneheart raised one eyebrow. “It’s been years since I owned him, but as I recall, he was quite a big producer. Not that I ever let my males come very often. But still…”

“Look, can we go to bed now?” Andi asked, interrupting their conversation. “I’m tired. And so is my male-wife.” She cast a sidelong glance at Thrax, who was still kneeling mutely at her side. “Er, I think he is, anyway. When is he going to snap out of this?” she demanded. It was unnerving to see her partner like this—blank and totally disconnected from reality.

“In a few minutes,” Mistress Stoneheart promised. “In the meantime, if you want him to do something, simply give him a command. Thrax, rise and follow this, er, person wherever she leads you,” she said, waving vaguely at Andi.

Without a word, Thrax rose silently and smoothly and stood beside Andi. He looked expectantly down at her and she realized he was waiting for a command.

“Come on, Thrax—we’re going to our room,” she said. She started walking, hoping he would follow and also hoping that Queen Pantyitch didn’t try to stop her.

Luckily, their hostess and Mistress Stoneheart stepped silently aside and let them pass. Andi continued on out of the lounge and down the long metal hallway that led to their guest suite.

She had no idea what was going on with Thrax but she desperately hoped that he really would snap out of the trance he was in.

Otherwise, what was she going to do?



“Thrax? Thrax? Wake up! Wake up, now!”

Thrax blinked his eyes. Someone was snapping their fingers in front of his face. Was it the Mistress? He vaguely remembered seeing her—she had looked the same as ever—as though twenty years hadn’t passed since their last encounter.

But now, it was Andi’s face that swam into view when he was finally able to focus.

“Andi?” his voice came out in a hoarse croak and he coughed and cleared his throat which was dry as sandpaper. Great—all he needed was for this Thirst to start bothering him when he was nowhere near a blood donor. “Where am I?” he rasped out. “What’s going on?”

“We’re at Queen Pantyitch’s milking farm and you’ve been acting weird ever since you met her business partner, Mistress Stoneheart,” Andi told him. She had a worried look on her face. “In fact, I got the idea that you’d met her before.”

“Really?” Thrax shifted uncomfortably on the bed, where he was sitting. The tail inside him was a pressing presence he wished he could get rid of. “What makes you say that?” he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know—maybe the way you nearly attacked her and then she hypnotized you and turned you into a mindless drone for the past fifteen minutes?” Andi straightened up and put her hands on her hips. “Don’t lie to me, Thrax—you’ve been acting strangely this whole mission. I have a right to know what’s going on with you!”

Thrax wanted to lie again—he wanted to hide his shameful past. But looking at his partner’s worried face, he knew he couldn’t do it. Andi was right—he owed her an explanation—even if he had to dredge up his ugly past to give it to her.

“Fine.” He sighed heavily and ran a hand over his horns. “I’ll tell you. When I was a younger male—about a year before I came of age—my friend Braze and I were out for our first interstellar run and we were captured by slavers.”

“You were?” Andi’s eyes went wide. “That’s awful!”

“That’s not even the worst part,” Thrax told her. “They took us to the Flesh Bazaar—the auction house that specializes in slaves of all kinds. It’s where a lot of Yonnie Six Mistresses get their new bodyslaves. My friend, Braze was taken by Mistress Sweetwater, who eventually let him go. But I was bought by Mistress Stoneheart and she took me to her home on Yonnie Six. You see, she trains male bodyslaves for other Mistresses and sells them. So that was what she did to me—she ‘trained’ me.”

Andi’s eyes narrowed.

“Trained you how?” she asked quietly. “What did she do to you, Thrax?”

Thrax felt like he’d swallowed a lump of ice and it was sitting there, unwilling to melt in the pit of his belly. His throat was dry as dust but he ignored the Thirst that was now raging inside him.

“She trained me to please her, of course,” he said harshly. “And to serve her sexually. She made me submit to her in every fucking way you can imagine. She tied me down and teased me—played with my cock without ever letting me come.” The words seemed to stick in his throat but he made himself continue. “She made me crawl for her—beg her for any kind of sexual favors she was willing to grant.”

“What?” Andi sounded horrified, but Thrax couldn’t look at her. He kept his eyes averted as he talked.

“You heard me,” he said harshly. “I was young…impressionable. I hadn’t even reached my full growth yet—I was only what your people would call a ‘teenager’ when she first took me. I had never even been with a woman before that. So I guess you could say that the Mistress was my first…in a way.” He laughed harshly and rubbed the small of his back.

“So she molested you,” Andi said softly. “That bitch!”

“She molded me into what she wanted—a male who was submissive to her in every way,” Thrax growled. “Do you know how shameful that is on my home world?” he demanded, looking at her at last. “A male being submissive?”

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