Page 6 of Savage

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“Harper, don’t get caught by the wicked man!”

Annoyed, I sat up. What a load of crap; I wasn’t a bad man, and anyone telling their kids that was out of fuckin’ line. I’d never hurt any kid, or woman, for that matter.

“Harper, be careful!” the girl called Isla hissed.

“Either we get that ball back, Isla, or she’s going to get us into trouble again. Look, I can see the ball. It’s near his swimming pool.”

“Do you see him?” Isla whispered, and I looked at my fence.

With all the shrubbery against it and me between the trees, I doubted they’d see me. I could easily kick the ball back over. But something in my gut was warning me that this wasn’t a normal situation.

“Harper, she’s already stopped our breakfast, and lunch is late, too. All because we made a noise when she was talking to her boyfriend. Don’t get caught.”

Jesus, the kids hadn’t eaten? This wasn’t my business, but no kid should go hungry. Idly, I contemplated calling Phoe; she’d know what to do.

“Isla, keep an eye out. I’m going over,” Harper said, and I heard Isla squeak.

A dark curly head popped up, followed by a cute little girl, around six years old.

“Isla, put your hands on my butt and push,” Harper called down quietly, and I hid a snigger. I should, by rights, stop this kid now before she got hurt, but I was curious. Who was this terrifying person Harper and Isla were clearly so worried about? And why were they that scared they were willing to risk confronting the ‘bad man’ aka myself?

Harper dropped and landed quietly.

“Are you okay?” Isla called.

“Yeah, just getting the ball. Be ready to catch it,” Harper replied.

“Hurry, Harper, or we won’t get lunch,” Isla urged, and anger rose in me. Hidden by the trees, I watched as Harper grabbed the ball and hurled it back over before scrambling up the fence like a little monkey. The girl never once caught sight of me watching.

“What the fuck are you doing?” a voice screeched, just as Harper dropped.

“Playing!” Harper replied quickly.

Harper’s tone alerted me, and I got to my feet and remained behind the trees. However, my yard rose slightly, and I had a rockery I could stand on a rock and watch. A blonde woman, late teens, early twenties, was standing at the back door of the house next door. She wore skimpy shorts and a halter top, and her face was currently screwed up as she faced the two little girls.

“Liar! I saw you climbing the fence!” the woman spat.

“We’re not lying! We were playing ball, and it bounced over. Harper went and got it, and now we’re playing again,” Isla defended.

My spine prickled at the venomous glare the woman sent the kids. Without realising, I withdrew my phone from my jean cut-offs.

“There a fuckin’ problem?” I demanded, and the bitch jumped, gazing around.

As I emerged from the trees, the woman exclaimed, “Oh, hi! Who are you?”

I ain’t fuckin’ vain, not one of those fancy prancy men who manicure and get their beard trimmed and shit. I’m all man, which meant I was only wearing my jean cut-offs, and I was sweaty and wore a bandana to keep my hair out of my eyes. Which this cunt clearly liked the look of.

The skank’s gaze sharpened, and her resting bitch expression changed as she took me in.

“Asked, is there a fuckin’ problem?” I demanded, completely unbothered by the flirtatious glances she was now sending.

“No, not at all. In fact, I’m sorry the girls troubled you and trespassed,” she replied.

“Who said they bothered me? Harper and Isla are welcome anytime. They have an invitation,” I stated pointedly.

“Good for them,” she sneered and snapped her fingers at the kids like they were dogs. “Get in here, lunch is ready.”

The two little girls, who were aged about six and seven on a second look, were exchanging worried glances. Unsure of what to do, I ended up nodding at them. They scurried away, and I noted their posture. Fuck, I hated that hunched-over position; I’d seen it too many times in the past.

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