Page 53 of Rage's Redemption

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Dylan met me halfway up to his floor.

“Marissa’s been kidnapped by the Fangs. Lina and McKenna were with her. Lina got a plate number,” I cried.

Dylan raced towards me, snatched the paper from my hand and ran up the stairs. He was heading to Leila’s room.

“Leila, bring up the city’s network now! Marissa’s been taken,” Dylan roared as he left me behind. I kicked off my shoes and hurried back downstairs, ignoring the jolt of pain in my shoulder. I knew exactly what to do. Slamming into my chair, I punched in the first number.


“Drake, it’s Dana. Marissa Hawthorne has been kidnapped by Venomous Fangs. She was taken off the street,” I gasped.

“Details,” Drake snapped.

“Still incoming. Dylan’s accessing the cameras across the city, but can you help?”

“Rage is riding, Dana; phone Ramirez,” Drake answered and cut the call.

“Ramirez,” the next caller said as I dialled his number.

I quickly explained what had happened, and Ramirez assured me that he’d put a BOLO out.

One after another, I ran through the list of people to ring: The Juno Group, Hellfire MC, Delta Force, the other allied MCs.

Footsteps pounded past me as the office emptied of everyone except Dylan, Leila, and Davies. We had to flood the street with bodies heading in different directions, so we’d have someone close when we tracked the vehicle. Delta Force was putting two choppers in the air and searching from there, and RCPD was organising an aerial search, too. The Chief of Police had given permission, knowing a powder keg would blow open should Marissa not be found. I put the phones on standby and rushed to Leila’s room.

Leila was tracing the van on camera, and Dylan brushed past me with Davies on his heels as Leila gave directions to those listening in on her call.

“Fallen Warriors are heading that way,” Drake said over the co-joined line. “Gunner, Rock, and Harley are the closest members of Rage.”

“Dylan, I’m diverting a chopper in that direction,” Jacob announced.

“Hellfire is ten minutes out on the I90. We’re not close,” Chance said.

I wrung my hands helplessly as this was Leila’s skill set, not mine.

“Coffee?” I murmured, and Leila nodded.

I left the room, glad to help somewhere. As I returned to my floor, I pressed the button for Leila’s favourite latte and added the flavouring.

My hands were shaking as I wondered what had happened to McKenna and Lina. Were they safe? Lina had mentioned McKenna getting punched. Quietly, I prayed McKenna wasn’t seriously hurt. The coffee machine pinged and poured Leila’s drink, and I placed a mug under it to pour my own. We’d get Marissa back; we had to.


Fury grinned as the call came in. They had the Hawthorne woman. It wouldn’t be long till he had his dick in that bitch’s cunt. Fury’s men would head to the airfield for a private plane, and she’d soon be in his hands. For a good twenty minutes, he allowed his thoughts to run riot. Fury was betting Hawthorne was in a real state. His baby sister had been taken straight off the streets. Not so invincible now.

Fury’s good mood evaporated when the call came in that his men had picked up tails. A helicopter was also hovering over them with a second incoming. Snarling in anger, Fury smashed his fists against his desk and dialled a number.

“Second target is a go,” he snarled.

He didn’t want this one. But he would take her, anyway. Everyone was out hunting for the Hawthorne bitch; nobody would see another attack coming. One way or another, he’d have a Hawthorne bitch under him tonight.


As I went to carry the coffees upstairs, I noticed movement in the parking lot. The camera picked up on eight bikers entering. At first, I thought they were allies, and then I saw their patch. Shit, Fangs were here, and there was only Leila and me present. One of Delta Force’s helicopters had picked up the van and Dylan and Davies had headed out. Dumping the coffees, I hit the lockdown button and watched as shutters slammed into place across the entrance doors. Metal shutters slammed down over the windows, and my phone rang.

“What the fuck is happening?” Leila demanded as I pressed the answer button.

“There are eight Fangs here. Stay on Marissa, I’ve initiated lock down,” I replied.

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