Page 29 of Rage's Redemption

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“What the fuck are you two bitches doing here?” Dylan snarled loudly.

Both Mom and Shania blanched and stepped closer together.

“We realised Dana wasn’t being truthful and wanted to confront her,” Mom said, but she didn’t sound so certain now.

Dylan stomped across the room and grabbed my wrist. Once again, Dylan slid back my sleeve and grunted when he found what he expected. Without permission, Dylan yanked my arm up.

“That’s a five-thousand-dollar Tiffany bracelet. Bought by me as Dana’s Christmas bonus. Those are genuine Louboutins on her feet, and if you haven’t fucking realised, and I doubt you have because you’ve no class, that is an Armani suit Dana’s wearing. Bitches like you think you can come into my business and cause a scene?” Dylan spoke smoothly, but there was an undercurrent in Dylan’s voice, which I took note of.

This was Dylan at his most lethal.

“What you pair of bitches don’t realise is that from the moment Dana came to work for me, I ran her background. Standard practice for anyone who works here. However, on finding out what a shitty family Dana had, I had one of my guys keep an eye on you. That surveillance was increased when you pulled your shit with her ex-fiancé.” Dylan pointed at Shania, who paled.

“You did what?” Mom gasped, outraged.

Dylan turned to stare, and Mom flinched.

“Yeah,” Dylan said softly. “I know everything. The affairs you’ve both had, the pool boy you fought over—and who you nearly imploded the life of. Threatening the poor schmuck with deportation because you both wanted to fuck him? The guy was legal and is doing just fine working for my family now. There, nobody sexually harasses him.”

Horrified, I gaped at Mom and Shania. Were they really so disgusting?

“And I know you fucked the best man at your wedding reception.” Dylan pointed back to Shania. “Then we’ve discovered the fraudulent practises you’ve committed on your charity boards, both of you. Think your shit doesn’t stink? Your husband is involved in some pretty illegal stuff. And as for that spineless asshole Patrick, well, he’s done some shit, too. Patrick likes his women to look young and loves taking it up the ass from barely legal men. Now, the mistake you made was to come here with your high and mighty attitude and believe you could grind Dana down.

“Dana isn’t your family. Dana belongs to Hawthorne’s, and we protect our own. You came to gloat and get one over on her. Well, that’s something I won’t stand for. Bitch, I’m going to blow up every fucking aspect of your life, you hear me? Everything will come out. How you paid for that whore daughter to get her degree, a good five figures, wasn’t it? And on your knees, too. Yeah, got images of that!”

Mom blanched in horror.

“Trust me, I’m gonna enjoy tearing your world apart like you’ve tried to tear Dana down. And I even know you blackmailed a friend to seduce your husband so you could have a PI take pictures. That way, if Mr Tyne tries to divorce you, you’ll claim against the prenup with proof of his infidelity,” Dylan hissed.

Mom and Shania were both pale, and they both looked terrified.

“What do you want for your silence?” Mom blurted.

Dylan let out a wicked laugh.

“Yeah, you can’t fucking afford me. Because there ain’t a price you can put on family, and you’re about to discover that. Now I would suggest you get the fuck out of here and start securing what you can. Because by the time I’m done, you’ll both be working on your backs for a crumb of bread!”

I gaped open-mouthed at Dylan as he folded his arms across his chest.

Mom and Shania raced out of the offices, both shaking.

“What do you want me to do?” Dylan asked, turning to me.

Steadily, I held Dylan’s gaze as I settled back in my seat. My hands were trembling from the confrontation, and my head was spinning with Dylan’s revelations.

“Was that all true?” I whispered.

“Yeah, and there’s more, much more,” Dylan replied.

“Dear God, you must wonder what you hired.” I gasped. My chest hurt, and I ground my fist against it.

Dylan walked around the desk. “No, never. Believe me, Dana, I know exactly who and what you are. A genuinely good person who had the bad luck to be born into a shitty family. The fact you remained true to yourself is a damn miracle. And there’s not one of us who wouldn’t throw down for you,” Dylan said.

“Does everyone know about them and the illegal shit?” I gasped as the pain began to lessen.

“No. Davies, London, and Arturo were the ones who collected evidence alongside Leila. And now Max knows. And no one’s a gossip. Dana, I kept a file in my office, and it’s never been shared.”

That was something, I thought. Dylan had gone out of the way to protect me, but even so, being hit with the level of depravity my family clearly had was shocking. The news they were involved in illegal activities was frightening and worrying. Hell, I didn’t want to be connected to them. Who on earth would?

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