Page 21 of Rage's Redemption

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“Do you trust me?” he murmured in her ear.

Dana nodded.

“Then everything will be fine. Magic honestly is a nutcase, but he is a safe one. Hell, we were all walking on mines and didn’t realise it. He’s probably replanted them now around the bar, but he won’t let loose. Not until he’s under attack.” Ezra hoped his words gave Dana the reassurance she needed.


Time flew quickly in the bar. I noted Ezra only had one beer and thought that was because he was driving… riding? The other guys around us were okay. Inglorious was an unmitigated tease, while Onyx was stern and dour, but I could see he cared. I was more comfortable with the Unwanted Bastards’ men; they reminded me a lot of Rage and Hellfire. The other MCs appeared to have a dangerous edge.

I knew a fair bit about them. I had met most of them during my time at Hawthorne’s, and if I hadn’t met them, then I’d spoken to them on the phone.

Ezra came in for a lot of teasing about Dylan, and he handled it gracefully. But I thought he was a bit worried about how Dylan might react. Honestly? So was I.

Hours passed as they shot the shit—as Ezra called it—before he pulled me to my feet and grinned at everyone.

“Time to go. I’m taking my girl for a meal and then home,” he stated.

Wolf whistles and lewd comments abounded, which made me blush, but Ezra flipped them all the finger.

“They are jealous, baby, because they’re all cowards and are kicking themselves for not asking you out first!” Ezra said in a snide tone.

“I am wounded,” Inglorious bellowed, slapping a hand over his heart. “Babe, you ever need a real man, just call me.”

Ezra growled, and I laughed.

“I’m happy with the one I have,” I replied, and Ezra turned from growling to beaming in seconds.

As we left, Poison and Razor fell into step with us. They were clearly our bodyguard. Ezra helped me back on the bike, and together, the three Harleys headed towards Rage. As soon as Ezra crossed onto Rage land, Razor and Poison raised fists in the air and sped off.

“We’ll leave the bike here and walk to Bernard’s if that’s okay?” Ezra asked.

“We can get takeout. I’m not exactly dressed for Bernard’s.”

“He won’t give a shit. And you are beautiful no matter how you’re dressed. Though, I don’t want men looking at your ass, so maybe takeout is the best option,” Ezra complained.

I began to say something, but I caught the teasing twinkle in his eye and settled for pinching his side. Ezra yowled and leapt away before grabbing me up and kissing me.

As I melted in his arms, Ezra deepened the kiss. I was dazed when he pulled back.

“Love that look, baby, and now I know how to shut you up!”

I responded with another pinch, and Ezra shrieked like a scalded cat. That would teach him a lesson.

“Let’s eat, I’m hungry,” I said, and Ezra gave me a bow, making me laugh.

“Anything my lady wants or needs!”


I stumbled over my feet when we entered Bernard’s. Ezra steadied me, but my gaze was focused on my boss having dinner with a woman.

“Shit,” I muttered.

Ezra followed my gaze and pulled me aside. “Do you want to go elsewhere?” he asked.

There was more to the question than anyone would have guessed. I sensed Ezra’s uncertainty and felt him wondering if I was ashamed to be seen with him. I cupped his face and smiled.

“Doesn’t bother me unless it does you. Dylan will have something to say, so be on guard. He’s not used to me dating, this’ll be a shock,” I replied.

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