Page 67 of Billionaire Boss

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“What? What is it?” Doesn’t it take two minutes? It couldn’t work this fast, could it?

My stomach sinks into my body as I watch the color drain from his face.

Slowly he turns toward me, white as a ghost, his sexy lips parting in disbelief. “Pregnant.”

“Oh, my god.” I bury my head in my hands, numb to any emotion. I don’t know what to feel.

He doesn’t want this baby. He never wanted to be a father. He’s forty. If he wanted kids, he’d have them by now.

He’s going to leave me…

“Oh, my god!” The tone in his voice makes me glance up at his face. A giddy, almost childlike smile slowly begins to slide over his face. His eyes light from within as he stares down at the little pink lines.

Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, he pulls me tight into his side. “Oh, my god,” he repeats. “You’re pregnant. You’re going to have a baby!”

“We,” I correct him. “We’re going to have a baby.”

I wait, my eyes glued to his face for his reaction as my words settle in. Eyes wide with glee, he stares at me. Relief floods me as he says, “We’re going to have a baby. We’re going to be parents. I’m going to be a…”

“Father. Yes. A dad.”

“Oh, my god.” His smile is gone. He looks like a shock victim. I worry he might pass out. Beats of deafening silence count out between us as I wait for his next reaction, my momentary relief gone. Fear and awe are written on his face as he turns those blue eyes back onto me. “Do you think I’ll be any good at it?”

To see this strong, dominant man so bare, so open, so vulnerable, it brings tears to my eyes. I take the test from him, setting it into the sink so I can grab his hands in both of mine.

“Of course you will be. Look at how you took care of me. Protected me. Made all my problems disappear.” I squeeze his hands, making him look at me. “Loved me. You did all that for me, and you’ll do it for our baby too.”

“But… when I got scared, when I thought I was going to get hurt, I walked away to protect myself. What if I do that again?” He lowers his head in shame. “You both deserve more than that.”

“We do,” I say. “And you’ll deliver.”

His blue eyes come back to mine. “You think?”

“I know,” I say. “When you knew you were wrong, you tracked me down. You came and found me and apologized, right?”

“Yes, but I never should have done it in the first?—”

“We all make mistakes,” I continue. “You learn and you move on, and you don’t do it again. Right?”


He kisses me but I can’t focus. A heavy thought comes over me. I didn’t learn from my own mistake, did I?

I pull away, my worries flowing freely. “I’ve already had one pregnancy scare. How could I let this happen again? I’ve been so irresponsible. Now I’ve pulled you into this and?—”

“We got pregnant. Not you. And now we’re going to have a baby.” Pure joy returns to his face, and he grabs me for a kiss.

This time, I’m able to return it.

As we kiss, I let reality settle in. I’m pregnant, a little baby growing in my uterus, and this baby was created from love. I’m going to be a mom and I’m going to have the very best man by my side for a father.

He lifts me up, carrying me to the bed. He takes great care laying me down on my back, already wanting to protect the baby inside of me. He stares down at me, putting a hand softly over my belly.

“I love you so much and I already love this little baby. I’m going to protect both of you. No harm will ever come to either of you as long as I’m alive.” He shakes his head, correcting himself. “No, even if something happens, I’ll make sure your every need is met, and the family will?—”

I reach up, putting a finger over his lips. “Shh… nothing is going to happen to you.”

But his worry dredges up my own, a niggling concern creeping up the back of my spine. I cup his face in my hands as he stares down at me, love in those blue eyes. “This hasn’t changed anything between us, right?”

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