Page 50 of Billionaire Boss

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We make peaceful conversation, me avoiding any topics she might find stressful, as we cruise away from the clubhouse and dock, observing the other boats, watching as a local sail club races their sleek boats in the breeze.

We make our way to the back of the yacht. There’s a wide deck on this level, a table set for two with linens, wine sitting on ice and a platter of ripe strawberries where lunch will be brought to us.

I pull her chair out and we sit down at our table.

“I hope you like seafood,” I say as I pour her a glass of wine.

“Oh, yes, I love it,” she replies eagerly, tasting the wine.

As we enjoy fresh fish and lobster, we talk and laugh as if we’ve known each other for years. It feels so natural being with her, like we were meant to be together.

After lunch, I take her out onto the water for a tour of Manhattan from a different perspective. She’s completely captivated by everything she sees and asks me endless questions about each landmark we pass by.

After the emotional reunion with her dad, the champagne, sun, and wine, I can tell she’s feeling tired. I take her to the plush bedroom suite where I suggest she takes a nap before dinner.

“I don’t want to miss anything,” she says.

“Don’t worry,” I say with a sly smile. “I have something special planned for tonight. But first, come here.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, I reach out for her hand, pulling her onto my lap.

She cuddles in close against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

“I just want to check in. Make sure you’re okay, after today.”

She nods. “I really am. I just want to close that chapter for now. You know?”

“I get it.” I kiss her cheek. “Now get some sleep so you can enjoy our evening.”

She looks at me curiously but doesn’t press for more information. Instead, she happily agrees to take a nap before getting ready for dinner.

I take the time to make a few calls. Check in with Claudia at the office.

My sister snaps up the phone on the first ring. “Rockwell Enterprises. Claudia speaking. How can I help you secure your financial future?”

“It’s me, sis.”

“What? Seriously? Rock—get a grip. You are on a yacht. You should be drinking wine naked and feeding your girl strawberries.”

“Don’t ever say the word naked to me again.”

“Naked, naked, naked. So there.”

“You know I can’t leave the office for an entire workday and not even check in?—”

“Rock. Stop. You’re pathetic.”

“You’re the only person who could call me pathetic without serious consequences.”

“Please. I’d kick your ass.” Finally, she fills me in on the trends of the day then ends the conversation with, “I’m hanging up now. And do not call again.”

Taking Claudia’s advice, I forget about work and find my way to the bedroom. Lily’s sleeping in the bed, a tiny ball of sweetness, and I have to hold her. I slide in next to her, careful not to wake her.

When she stirs in my arms, I gently kiss her forehead and tell her that it’s time for dinner. She gets dressed in one of her new outfits from Daughtry’s, a light blue glittery gown, and I can’t help but stare at her, appreciating the way the fabric clings to her curves. I take her hand and lead her out to the dining room on the upper deck, where a table has been set up with strings of white lights, candles, and flowers.

She gasps at the sight, clearly impressed by the effort I’ve made to make the night special. We sit down and I pour us both a glass of wine, raised to toast the night ahead.

“To this,” she says softly, her eyes glinting with excitement. “Whatever this is.”

“To us,” I add, my chest warming with affection for her.

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