Page 2 of Billionaire Boss

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It wasn’t their relationship they weren’t happy with.

Just me.

Making friends in college was easy. I felt like I had a chosen family. Then I fell for him and ruined everything good I had created for myself, all the while fooling myself into thinking I was building my future with him.

My controlling boyfriend pushed all the friends I made in college out of my life by demanding every moment of my time.

Then said boyfriend learned that my period was four weeks late.

And now, he’s gone too. Along with my savings account, leaving me with a possible pregnancy and rent due in two weeks’ time.

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I clutch the test, the reality of my situation settling in. How did I get here? What will I do now? Questions swirl in my mind, each one more daunting than the last.

The bright hope of my future when I was earning my art degree seems like a million miles away now. When we moved in together, he was going to help out with the bills, allowing me to hit the pavements of New York to apply at every art museum and gallery I could, attempting to find my dream job.

Then he cleaned out my savings and disappeared in the night.

Unemployed. Heartbroken. Broke. Alone.

A loud, determined knock startles me, and I scramble to compose myself before answering. As I open the door, the man from the store stands before me, his expression unreadable.

Was he… following me?


“I wanted to check on you,” he says quietly, his gaze searching mine for any hint of what I’m feeling.

I swallow hard, struggling to put into words the whirlwind of emotions raging inside me. “Thank you, um. It’s all good.”

“That’s good to hear.” Those blue eyes stare at me, drawing information from me.

I shake my head. “Negative.”

“Sorry. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to intrude on your personal life. I just wanted to be sure you got home safe.”

“You followed me,” I say, stating the obvious, but it needs to be said.

I don’t know this man and an act of kindness in the city doesn’t go unappreciated, but after the disaster the last time I trusted a man… I need to ask the right questions.

“I did,” he admits, his voice soft and sincere. “I wanted to make sure you were okay. I saw the turmoil in your eyes back in the store, and I couldn’t just walk away without knowing if you were alright.”

His honesty catches me off guard, and for a moment, I struggle to find the right words to respond. This stranger, with his chiseled features and kind eyes, is showing me more concern than anyone has in a long time. But can I trust him? After everything I’ve been through, can I allow myself to lean on someone new?

Taking a deep breath, I meet his gaze, searching for any sign of malice or ulterior motives. All I find is genuine concern and a hint of vulnerability that mirrors my own. Maybe, just maybe, this man could be different.

“Thank you,” I say finally, the weight of my gratitude heavy in the air between us. “I appreciate you checking in on me.”

He nods. “I couldn’t help noticing you might be short on money. I have a proposition for you.”

His words hang in the air, laden with a promise of hope and possibility. I can’t help but feel a spark of curiosity ignite within me. A proposition? What could this stranger possibly want from me? But as I gaze into his eyes, I see sincerity and kindness, not a hint of deceit.

“What kind of proposition?” I ask cautiously, my heart fluttering with a mix of apprehension and intrigue.

He hesitates for a moment, as if weighing his words carefully before speaking. “I run a business not far from here, and I’ve been looking for someone to help me with the day-to-day operations. Your need for work… it’s evident. I’ve been interviewing for weeks but haven’t found the right fit for my front desk. You seem sweet. What I need. Would you consider working for me?”

The offer hangs in the air between us, shimmering with possibility. Me, working this soon, an income just when I need to pay rent? It’s a dream I never dared to entertain, especially after everything that has happened. Yet here it is, laid out before me like a lifeline in the storm.

Worry and doubt creep in. Like my last boyfriend, this man has to be too good to be true.

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