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Chapter 1

“Is Pablo in his office?” Janet heard. She looked up from her desk and found Mateo standing before her. Pablo was her boss, and Mateo was his right-hand man. Whenever Pablo had an important decision to make, he often talked with Mateo about it.

“Afternoon,” Janet greeted him. Mateo stared at her with his eyebrows knitted together. He had such a cold gaze. He had a scar on his cheek that he had apparently gotten in a knife fight. “He’s in his office,” she added. Mateo said nothing. He just walked past her desk and headed to Pablo’s office, which was a few feet from Janet’s desk. Janet shook her head. She continued organizing files that needed Pablo’s attention. She was almost off duty and wanted to make sure the documents were signed before she left.

Janet rose to her feet and marched to Pablo’s office. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she dropped the files. “Damnit,” Janet muttered under her breath. She crouched down to pick them up.

“This Sunday,” she heard Pablo speaking.

“I can get it done,” Mateo replied.

“Who else will be with him?”

“His wife and daughter.”

There was silence for a few seconds. “Go ahead with the plan,” said Pablo. Janet finished gathering the files and then got up to her feet.

“Even with his child in the car?” Mateo asked.

“Doesn’t matter. If we miss this chance, then we might never get another. Just take care of it.”

“I’ll handle it discreetly without leaving evidence behind.”

Janet wondered what they were talking about. She knocked on the door. “It better be important,” Pablo answered. Janet opened the door and walked in slowly.

“I have some documents for you to sign,” she said to him.

“Leave them on my desk,” he said. Janet walked over to his desk and put the documents down. She looked at Mateo and Pablo. Their faces suggested that they were talking about something very important.

“They’re time-sensitive,” Janet said to Pablo before she walked out of the room. She went back to her desk. She knew Pablo was up to something, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She had worked for him for three years. Pablo owned Jinco Exports, a company that brought food from Mexico into Texas. Janet was aware that they transported more than food. Pablo was part of the Jimenez cartel, and he had many shady dealings. They used the export company to move drugs.

Mateo came out of Pablo’s office. He walked past Janet without saying anything. Janet watched him push the glass door and walk out of the building. Janet shivered. His presence was always unsettling. Pablo was up to something, and Mateo was in on it.

“Janet,” Pablo’s voice disturbed Janet’s thoughts. She turned her head and looked at him.

“Yes,” Janet answered.

“I need you to buy a new truck.”

Janet raised her eyebrows. “A new truck? Is it for a new route or to replace one of the other trucks?” she asked him.

“Buy the truck, Janet.”

He was acting strange, Janet thought.

“I will place an order tomorrow morning.”

Pablo shook his head.

“Buy it before you go home, today.”

“Okay,” Janet agreed. “Is there a specific model you had in mind?” she asked.

“Just a large Volvo truck. It doesn’t have to be brand-new. Just buy a second-hand truck,” he said.

“Um, okay.”

“Let me know when you’ve bought it. I need it before Sunday.” Pablo went back to his office. Janet proceeded to look for trucks that were available for purchase immediately. She found a second-hand fm12 Volvo online. She called the company to purchase the truck. She went to Pablo and told him about the purchase. He seemed pleased and said that Mateo would pick it up.

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