Page 5 of The Twin Sheikhs

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“CJ and Blake.”

The tall, muscular man looked at the list. It took him a few seconds to find their names. He looked at the other bouncer and gave him a nod. The other bouncer lifted the barrier and let them in.

The club wasn’t as full as Blake thought it would be. It made her feel a lot better. She hated crowded places. The interior of the club was quite sophisticated. There were nice seating areas sectioned off. The décor was interesting and beautiful. The club was different from other clubs Blake had been to.

“Let’s get something to drink,” CJ said. Blake nodded and followed CJ to the bar. As they were heading to the bar, Blake saw a man sitting in the VIP area with a few other men and women. She gasped when she recognized him. She yanked CJ’s arm.

“Look!” she cried out in her ear. The music was a bit loud, so she had to shout.

“What?” CJ shouted back.

“It’s Bassem.” She pointed at the man in the wine-red long-sleeved top and black pants. CJ gasped and looked at Blake.

“It’s him! Let’s go say hi.”



Blake hesitated but CJ grabbed her arm and led her towards the VIP area. Blake felt weird about running into Bassem in the club. When they reached the VIP area, Bassem looked up and made eye contact with Blake. She smiled and waved awkwardly. He waved her over. Blake climbed up the steps and then walked over to him. He gestured for her to sit down next to him.

“Hello, sheikh,” Blake shouted above the music. Bassem raised his perfectly shaped eyebrows. He looked rather surprised.

“Hi,” he replied.

“I did not expect to see you here.”

He smiled at her. “I didn’t expect to see you either,” he replied. He had such a beautiful smile and he smelled good.

“I finished the preliminary sketch. I hope that you like it,” she said to him.

“Let’s not talk business tonight. What would you like to drink?” he asked her.

“Um, I…” Blake was confused. He seemed different from when she had met him. He looked friendlier. “I will have a lemonade,” she said.

“A lemonade?” Bassem raised an eyebrow.

“I have work tomorrow.”

He smiled and nodded. CJ sat down next to Blake and waved at the sheikh. He smiled at her and asked what she wanted to drink. CJ asked for a shot. She was a little more free-spirited than Blake. Bassem waved a waiter over and ordered drinks for them.

As the night progressed, Bassem and Blake engaged in conversation. She found him easy and fun to talk to. At one point, he even leaned into her and told her that she looked good. Blake smiled and thanked him.

“Would you like to dance?” Bassem asked her.

“Me?” Blake asked him. Bassem nodded. He took her hand and helped her up to her feet.

As he started dancing, Blake felt very awkward. She was not good at dancing at all. She was so stiff and had no rhythm. Bassem on the other hand was very good at dancing. He had so much rhythm.

“You’re such a bad dancer,” he shouted to Blake. She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. It was the truth.

Bassem was such a gentleman the entire time. He kept a respectable distance as he danced with Blake and he did not try anything inappropriate. CJ was busy downing shots and dancing with Bassem’s friends. She was a much better dancer. She was having so much fun with his friends, you would think that they knew each other.

Blake and CJ ended up leaving the club after 2 a.m. Blake had come with the intention of leaving at midnight but she was having so much fun with Bassem that she had lost track of time. He had been kind and fun to be around. He ordered their drinks for them and when they were leaving, he paid their cab fare.

It had been an unexpected evening for Blake. It begun with her not wanting to go to the club but then she was glad she had gone. She had had a good time. Meeting Bassem was good. She hoped since they had broken the ice, it would make him easier to work with and that they would get along more in the future.

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