Page 35 of The Twin Sheikhs

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Chapter 15

Bassem arrived at the building site for his new home. There were builders everywhere already digging and drilling. Before they had started working on his land, he had got his secretary to look into their backgrounds. Everyone he worked with needed to have an impeccable profile and pass a background check. Even though Blake had vouched for them, Bassem needed to be sure.

The sheikh opened the car door and stepped out of the expensive vehicle. He marched towards the building site for a quick inspection before he departed for Al Huddah. He had already spoken to his secretary and given her orders on things he needed her to take care of while he was gone.

As Bassem was walking towards the building site, he saw Blake speaking with one of the construction workers. It was the first time he was seeing her since they kissed. Even though he had enjoyed the taste of her lips, he needed to back off. He had concluded that it was a bad idea getting involved with one of his workers. He needed all his romantic attachments to not be involved in his daily life because usually he lost interest quickly and didn’t want to have to deal with the woman after that. He just wanted them gone and out of his life.

“Miss Gordon,” he said as he approached Blake. She turned around and looked at him. Her green eyes lit up.

“Good afternoon, sheikh,” she greeted him. For a few seconds they just stared at each other. No one said anything. Seeing her curvy body and luscious lips again made Bassem want to pull her into his arms. However, he had to suppress that urge.

“Who is he?” Bassem gestured towards the man Blake had been speaking to. He had to say something to cut the tension that was growing between them.

“Oh.” Blake cleared her throat. “This is Lenny. He is a builder and the man in charge.” Blake touched Lenny’s shoulder and smiled at him. Lenny smiled back at her. Bassem raised an eyebrow. They seemed rather close.

“Pleasure to meet you, sir,” Lenny said to Bassem.

“I hope this project runs smoothly. I look forward to moving into my house sometime this year,” said Bassem. Lenny laughed nervously.

“It’s a short time.”

“I’m sure you can do it, Lenny.” Bassem frowned a little when he said his name.

“I will do my best, sir.”

“Could you give Miss Gordon and me some privacy?” Bassem asked, even though he really wanted to tell him to just go away.

“Yes,” Lenny replied. He looked at Blake and touched her shoulder. “I will speak to you later,” he said to her before he walked off. Blake smiled and nodded. Bassem frowned a little. There was no need for Lenny to touch Blake’s shoulder. There was no need for him to touch her anywhere.

“What kind of a name is Lenny anyway?” Bassem mumbled after he had left.

“Excuse me?” said Blake.

“How is everything going here?”

“It’s going well. We started drilling on Monday. Tomorrow we should be able to start building the foundation,” she said. Bassem nodded.

“I am leaving for Al Huddah tonight.”

“You are?”

Bassem slipped his hands in his pockets. “If you need anything, contact my secretary,” he said.

“Sure. How long will you be gone for?” Blake laced her fingers together.

“I’m not sure yet,” Bassem replied. Blake nodded. The wind whispered through Blake’s wavy brunette locks, revealing her silky fair skin. Bassem could remember how soft her skin had felt against his fingertips. She looked down shyly and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. Blake looked up and slightly bit her bottom lip. Her plump, pale pink lips were inviting. Bassem closed his eyes momentarily to ward off the temptation.

“Okay then.” Bassem turned sharply and started walking back to his car.

“Have a good journey!” Blake called out behind him but he didn’t respond. He just had to get away from her. He was always good at controlling himself around women but he was suddenly finding it hard around Blake. He just wanted to hold her and kiss her.


Blake kicked off her shoes and threw herself on the sofa when she arrived home. It had been a long day. She had been busy. She had had so many things to do and supervise. However, the only thing that she was thinking about was Bassem. Her heart had doubled over in her chest when she had seen him. She so badly wanted to wrap her arms around him and press her lips to his but she hadn’t.

It had been the first time that they had seen each other since they had kissed. Blake didn’t know what she had been expecting but it wasn’t that. Bassem had acted as though he had no recollection of the kiss. Blake felt a sharp pain in her heart when she remembered how he had left. He had just walked away in the middle of the conversation. He couldn’t wait to get away from her. He probably regretted kissing her. Blake squealed in embarrassment.

The doorbell rang and interrupted her squealing and self-pity. She rose to her feet and headed for the door. She opened it and found CJ standing there.

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