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Chapter 10

The king’s laugh echoed in the room. “Have a seat,” he said to Fiona. Daniel looked at her hoping that she would turn the offer down and remain standing. She was not a member of the royal family nor was she a cabinet minister. She was just a maid and she was not meant to even be in their presence. She should have been standing at the door with the other maids.

“Thank you,” Fiona said as she sat down on the sofa on next to Daniel. He rubbed the temples of his head. She had actually sat down. She hadn’t even tried to leave the room to give them privacy.

“I just wanted to see how Daniel is and how his health is,” said the king. “I am actually glad that you came with him because I want to see the person looking after my son.”

“I am doing just fine,” Daniel replied.

“That is good to hear.” The king nodded.

“I would like to assure you that I will do my best to look after the prince,” said Fiona.

“A lot of people have had your job and they’ve all quit. My mother seems to think that you will be different.”

“I hope to be different. I am not looking to quit anytime soon, and I think I am settling into the position well.”

Daniel looked at her from the corner of his eye. Settling into the position well? She was going to quit soon. He was sure of it. All his maids quit.

“I will give you some privacy. I am sure you have private matters to discuss with prince,” she said as she rose to her feet. The king nodded.

“Yes we do,” he replied. Fiona bowed her head to the king before she left the room. Daniel’s upper lip curled a little. Fiona had bowed to the king but not him.

“I need you to attend the cabinet meeting on Friday,” the king said sternly. Daniel’s heart sank. He hadn’t attended any meetings with his father since the accident. He no longer had the confidence to appear in front of people as their crown prince because of the wheelchair. He felt as though people would look at him differently and respect him less.

“I am not ready to face them,” Daniel replied. The king offered a sympathetic look.

“I understand but you have to return to your duties at some point. It has been three months already,” the king replied. Daniel doubted that his father understood. If he did, then he would not say “it’s been three months already.” It was such an insensitive statement. It had been three months since the accident and it wasn’t enough time for Daniel to mentally heal. He was depressed about being told that he was going to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

“Maybe not this Friday, maybe the next one,” Daniel replied. His father nodded but he looked disappointed.

“You are the only crown prince. There is no one else that can do your job.”

“Yes, Father.” Daniel was definitely feeling the pressure of being the only prince. There was no one else he could pass off his duties to. He had to attend cabinet meetings with his father and other political events and meetings. He also assisted in making some important decisions for the country.

“Daniel, I know that it is hard for you right now but you are going to be in a wheelchair for a long time. It is horrible and I wish I could help you but being in denial certainly does you no favors. You have to come to terms with it and resume your duties,” the king said to his son. The king’s words only made Daniel angry but he was not going to snap at his father. No one raised their voice or even looked at the king in the wrong way.

“Yes, Father.” Daniel nodded.

“I have a meeting to attend,” the king said as he rose to his feet.


Daniel left the room after the king. Fiona was waiting for him outside the living room with the other maids. He went past without saying anything. He was not in the mood to talk. She immediately followed.

“I’ve never met a king before,” Fiona said to Daniel. “Your father seems nicer than I thought. I always assumed that a king would be mean and cold,” she added. Daniel narrowed his gaze. He really was not in the mood to talk so he just ignored her. They headed over to his quarters in silence.

When they reached his quarters, Daniel went straight to his bedroom and positioned his wheelchair by his sofa.Just as he picked up his guitar, he heard Fiona’s footsteps coming after him. She walked around him and sat on the arm of the sofa. Daniel raised an eyebrow.

“Are you okay?” she asked in such a gentle tone.

“I’m fine; I just want to be alone,” he replied.

“You seem a little down. I don’t want to step outside of my boundary.” Daniel raised his eyebrows. She had done so many times. She seemed to stick herself in his business too often. “Did your father say something that upset you?” she asked.

“I am not upset,” he lied. His father had said something that had upset him and made him feel sad. “And it is none of your business,” he added.

“You shouldn’t bottle things up, you know.”

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