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Chapter 2


“I’m home,” Emma shouted as she walked through the front door of her family home. Mia, her sixteen-year-old sister, rushed out of the kitchen and went to meet Emma at the door.

“How was the interview?” she asked her.

“It was fine,” Emma replied. She sighed as she remembered how she had embarrassed herself twice in front of the sheikh.

“Just fine? Do you think you will get the job?”

Before Emma could answer, her youngest sister came down the stairs. “Hi Emma,” she said with a big smile. “How was the interview?”

“Hi Cynthia. The interview was fine,” Emma replied. She started walking towards the kitchen.

“I can’t tell if that was a cheerful fine or bad fine,” Cynthia said to Mia.

“Neither can I,” Mia replied.

Emma walked into the kitchen and put her bag on the table. “Hi Mom,” she said. Her mother, a brunette like Emma, was in the kitchen cooking. She turned around and faced her daughter.

“Hey dear. How was your interview?” she said. Emma walked over her to her mother and stood by her side.

“I think I did okay.” Emma shrugged her shoulders. “I will just have to wait and see what happens.”

Her mother smiled at her and took her hands into hers. “I don’t want you stressing yourself over this job. It’s okay if you do not get it. Just concentrate on your studies,” she said.

“I can do both. This job is part-time. I won’t have to take time away from the university to go to work,” Emma replied.

“I just don’t want you to worry about bills or anything. Let me be the mother and take care of things.”

Emma could tell that her mother felt bad. She was against the idea of Emma working to help out with expenses. “I want to help, please let me,” she said. Emma rubbed her mother’s hands and then kissed her on the cheek.

“I am so lucky to have a daughter like you,” said her mother.

“Hey! You have us too,” Mia cried out as she headed over to her mother. She attempted to taste her mother’s cooking but failed when her mother smacked her hand gently.

“Wait until I am finished cooking,” she said. Mia burst into laughter.

“Okay,” she replied reluctantly. Fourteen-year-old Cynthia approached Emma and wrapped her arms around her.

“I hope you get the job,” she said.

“Me too,” Emma replied.

“Because I need new shoes,” Cynthia whispered with a cheeky smile. Emma burst into laughter and nodded. She did not mind buying things for her little sisters. She loved them dearly and wanted them to have everything they wanted.


Friday morning, Emma arrived at her class a few minutes early. She liked Fridays because she finished at 1 o’clock and got to start her weekend early. She took her bag and pulled out her phone.

“You’re early,” said Madison as she sat down next to Emma. Madison was Emma’s best friend.

“Cynthia’s singing woke me up, and I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I decided to just come in early,” Emma replied. Madison frowned a little.

“The one thing I can’t stand is being woken up earlier than needed.”

“Tell me about it.”

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