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Chapter 24

Joseph and Olivia went for a stroll in Alexandria before they left Egypt. The days had flown by, she did not want to leave. It felt so nice to just be there with him. It was nice to be without the drama from Daaliyah and her daughters.

“Are you hungry?” Joseph asked Olivia.

“Why would you ask me that?” she asked him.

“You are always hungry.”

Olivia laughed a little. It was quite true. She was always hungry. “Not right now,” she replied. She was still full from the brunch they had had with Amir.

“I guess you will be hungry soon,” said Joseph. Olivia smiled and slid her hand in the pocket of her shorts. Alexandria was beautiful, she thought to herself. They were walking along the pavement next to the Red Sea. The waters were a nice blue color. The wind was blowing through Olivia’s hair. It was a such refreshing feeling.

“I would love to come back here,” she said. She wanted to come back and explore the place.

“If you want we can stay longer,” said Joseph.

“No, you have to return to work.”

“We can come back anytime you want.”

Olivia smiled. She did not mind coming back with Joseph. It was amazing being with him. She was able to forget all that was wrong with her life.

“I handed in my resignation, well more like e-mailed it,” she said to him. Joseph stopped walking and faced Olivia. He gently tugged on her arm to stop her from walking. She stopped and looked at him.

“When?” he asked her.

“On Monday,” she replied. She had sent the e-mail the same day they had left for Egypt. It was now Friday and she thought it was time to tell Joseph.

“And you are just telling me now?” he asked in disbelief.

Olivia burst into laughter.

“Sorry, it just wasn’t important at the time,” she said.

“So you will stay here?” He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Olivia nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She definitely wanted to stay in Lebanon longer, with him. Joseph smiled. He was so handsome, he made her shy every time he smiled at her.

“Jasmine told me that you donated money to the orphanage,” she said to him.

“Oh, did she?” he asked. Olivia was positively impressed and surprised when she had found out that he had donated the money without telling her or Jasmine or even Amir. He had just done it, which showed her that his intentions were pure. He hadn’t done it for praise. Jasmine had found out when she helped with the administrative work. She had seen the check.

“She did. That was such an amazing thing you did,” said Olivia.

“I guess.”

“It influenced my decision to stay. I want to be with a man that is kind-hearted.”

“I am happy that you came to this decision.” His green eyes searched her hazel eyes. He dipped his head lower and gently touched her lips with his. Olivia closed her eyes and let him kiss her. He kissed her so softly and passionately. His lips were soft. Olivia’s knees buckled with pleasure. She rested her body against his to stop from falling over.

Olivia broke off the kiss. “It was not an easy one to make,” she said to him.

“I know; you are very stubborn,” he said to her.

They kept walking, this time holding hands. Olivia felt so girly and just wanted to giggle. She had never been the girl to get a man like Joseph. He was handsome, tall, muscular and rich. He was the complete opposite of the type of men she normally attracted. She just wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that he was her man, HERS.


Joseph’s car parked right outside Sheikh Solomon’s house later that day. Olivia looked outside and sighed. It was time for her to return to the house. “I have to go,” she said reluctantly.

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