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“What kind of place is this?” Joseph asked.

“An orphanage, Joseph.”

“Even if it is an orphanage, it does not have to look so derelict,” said Amir. Olivia and Jasmine looked at each other in shock.

“An orphanage is not a five-star hotel,” Olivia pointed out.

“They are just used to seeing nice things. Welcome to reality,” said Jasmine. She opened her arms and walked towards Olivia. She wrapped her arms around her. “I am glad you came as well,” she said.

“How have you been?” Olivia asked as Jasmine released her from her embrace.

“I’ve been good,” Jasmine smiled. “You are just in time for lunch,” she said.

“You want us to have lunch here?” Joseph asked.

“Why not?”

“I can think of many reasons,” said Amir.

Olivia shook her head. “I am actually hungry. I would not mind eating now,” she said.

“Good, let’s go.” Jasmine took Olivia’s hand in hers and led the way. Joseph and Amir looked at each other before they followed.

The dining room was of modest size. The children were sitting at the long wooden tables. They were eating pita bread, chickpeas and lamb. They did not have much food on their plates. Joseph felt bad because he always ate so well.

“Today is lamb day,” said Jasmine. “They have it once a month.”

“Just once a month?” Olivia asked.

“Yes. Let’s get our trays.” Jasmine confidently picked up a tray and a plate and joined the line. Olivia followed. Joseph and Amir hesitated.

“I never thought I would be lining up in a canteen for food,” Joseph said to Amir.

“Neither did I,” Amir replied. The two of them picked up the grey trays and joined the line. Joseph felt weird as the canteen ladies dished food out for him. They stared at him oddly. They were probably wondering why he was there too.

After he got his food, Joseph followed Olivia and Jasmine to the table. There were children sitting at the table also. It was awkward for Joseph. He had never had to share a table with strangers. On this occasion, it was him that was intruding. Amir came with his tray and sat down next to Joseph.

“What do you do here?” Olivia asked Jasmine.

“I teach English,” she replied.

“What made you want to do this?”

“I come from a wealthy family. I grew up with everything,” said Jasmine. “My heart broke when I saw how other people live. So I try to give back.”

Olivia smiled and nodded. “That is amazing. We need more people like you in the world,” she said. As Jasmine and Olivia talked, Joseph realized that they were quite alike.

“How does the food taste?” Jasmine asked.

“Odd,” Joseph replied.

“The pita bread is pretty good,” Olivia replied. She was almost finished eating.

“You can eat anything,” Joseph said.

Olivia burst into laughter. “It is because you are used to eating the finest of foods but I am not. You’re such a snob,” she said. In that moment, Joseph decided that he was going to donate money to that orphanage. It was because he knew Olivia did not have it easy growing up. Joseph wanted to be a better man for her. He wanted to be the man that understood where she came from and what she went through. He had learned that she was not impressed by money and flashy things. All she wanted was a good heart.

After they were finished eating, Jasmine and Olivia went to play basketball with the teenaged children outside. Joseph was pleasantly surprised to see that Olivia was good at basketball. Somehow, he had thought that she was not good at sports. She looked so pretty as she ran with the ball. Joseph found himself smiling.

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