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“I have already instructed them on what to serve us. I hope that is okay with you,” he said.

“It’s fine.” She could eat almost anything. He smiled and nodded.

“What do you do in America?”

Olivia told him about her part-time job as a receptionist and the fact that she had just finished her pharmacology studies. There wasn’t much more she could tell him. She was not an interesting girl. Her life was plain and simple.

The waiter brought out their food. Olivia normally drooled over food. However, today she couldn’t focus on it. She was just waiting for Joseph’s father to bring up the marriage thing. That was the reason why he had called her.

“I like my food nice and simple. I do not like overcomplicated meals that have an extravagant appearance but lack in taste. It’s as if the chef is trying to cover up the fact that his food tastes badly,” said Joseph’s father.

“Simple is good,” Olivia replied. She was sure that there was a threat somewhere in Joseph’s father’s words. They were about food but they made her uneasy. Sheikh Boutros senior was a little bit more intimidating than his son. He cut through his lamb so easily and then put the piece of the meat in his mouth. He chewed slowly without taking his eyes off Olivia. Unlike his son, he had eyes as dark as midnight.

“Just like people. I like people that are transparent and honest. I hate pretentious characters,” he said.

“So do I,” said Olivia. “I value integrity and modesty.” Just like the sheikh, she did not like pretentious characters.

“Good. I see that we are on the same page,” he said. He took a sip of his drink. “My son wishes to marry you. What’s your position on this matter?” he asked. Ahh, at last, Olivia thought to herself. He finally spoke about the marriage.

“I feel that it is still too early for us to get married,” she said. She would rather it was Joseph that told his father that they were not getting married. That and the fact that she did not think it was such a bad idea that Joseph was interested in her.

“That is correct. However, you must know that you and my son are not a match,” he said frankly.

“Only if we are comparing our financial status,” she said boldly. She was not about to sit there and be told that she was not good enough for Joseph.

“Please elaborate,” he said with so much fascination on his face.

“I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to say that we cannot be together just because I am not all Arabic or because I am an illegitimate child.”

“No, it is not fair. However, that is life. Life isn’t fair.”

“We don’t choose to be born in rich families or poor families.”

The sheikh nodded. “If you and my son were to marry, what could you offer him?” he asked. Was he so jaded that he believed that marriages should be considered as alliances for financial gain? Olivia asked herself.

“Love.” The word left her mouth before she could stop it. Was she really prepared to love him? “Loyalty, respect, honesty and unwavering support,” she added. Sheikh Boutros senior raised his eyebrows. He was clearly surprised.

“Those are fine qualities but not for a man like Joseph. He needs a woman with a good background. A woman that can contribute to his position. I need my son to marry a woman from a powerful family,” he said. Olivia almost laughed at the greed. Money and power. Was that all that mattered?

“He has enough money and power,” she said to him. “But does he have enough happiness?”

“Proceed with caution,” Sheikh Boutros senior warned.

“They say a king is very lonely,” she said. “He has everything and yet there is no one he can trust.”

“You are saying my son is lonely?”

“I am saying that he could be. Money doesn’t buy happiness.”

“Do you know my son enough to know what makes him happy?” he asked after a moment. That was a good question, Olivia thought to herself.

“I would like the opportunity to get know him and find out what makes him happy,” she replied. The sheikh laughed a little. He picked up a maroon napkin and wiped his mouth and hands.

“You are an intriguing woman,” he said. Olivia smiled in response. She hoped that it was a compliment. “You are different from your father,” he added.

“I hope that is a good thing,” Olivia replied.

“Only time will tell.” Sheikh Boutros senior looked at his watch. “I must bid you farewell. I have a meeting to attend,” he said as he rose to his feet. Olivia also stood up.

“Thank you for the lunch,” she said to him.

“Do you have transportation? “

“Yes I do.” Olivia smiled. The sheikh smiled. He turned on his heel and left the room. Olivia placed her hand on her heart and sighed with relief. Joseph’s father was an intimidating man. She had managed to stay calm in his presence but it was hard. He was different from his wife. She shouted and said nasty words. However, Joseph’s father was calm and scary.

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