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Olivia rushed out the front door. She was so angry she could punch something. She was willing to ignore almost anything Mrs. Boutros said but not when it came to her mother. That was crossing the line. Joseph walked out the front door. He quickly approached Olivia. He touched her arm.

“Olivia,” he said gently.

“She did not have to bring my mother into the conversation,” she replied. She started tapping her foot on the ground. She did that when she was angry.

“I know. It was not necessary. I am sorry.” Joseph gently rubbed her forearms. Olivia felt her eyes stinging. She blinked the tears away. She did not want to cry in front of Joseph. He searched her eyes.

“It’s not your fault. You should go back inside,” she said.

“Not until I am sure that you are okay.”

“I am okay.” Her voice shook. Joseph pulled her into his arms. Olivia just burst into tears. She placed her head on his shoulder and just cried. Joseph held her tightly and rubbed her back.

“It hasn’t even been two months since she died,” said Olivia between sobs. She cried for a few more minutes. Then she pulled out of Joseph’s strong and warm embrace. “Sorry,” she said. She had not planned on crying.

“Don’t apologize,” he replied. He wiped her tears off her cheeks with his thumb. He had taken her by surprise. He was being so gentle and comforting. It was nice.

“I am okay. You should go back in.”

He held her waist tightly. “My driver will take you home. I will call you,” he said.

“You do not need to check up on me.”

“I do. You got upset while in my presence. I’ll never let you get hurt in any way while in my care.”

It was quite attractive how protective he was being. She was seeing a different side of him. It was quite appealing. Olivia touched his arm.

“Okay,” she said and nodded.

Joseph walked her to the car and opened the door for her. He kissed her cheek before she got in. He shut the door behind her. “Take her home,” he said to his driver.


“Great,” Olivia mumbled as she walked through the front door. Daaliyah and her daughters were right by the stairs. Olivia tried to walk past them but Rania said something.

“Look who it is,” she said.

“I can’t believe she is still here,” said Daaliyah. Olivia turned to face her.

“I expect this immaturity from your daughters but not you,” Olivia said to Daaliyah. She was not in the mood for snarky comments because of Mrs. Boutros.

“What?” said Daaliyah.

“Did you just call my mother immature?” said Marina.

“I am tired of having to argue with the three of you every day,” Olivia declared.

“Then leave.”

“What is going on here?” said Sheikh Solomon as he walked through the front door. “This is getting old. Olivia is my daughter and she is not going anywhere. If you all can’t get along, then don’t speak to each other.”

“This is my house too and I do not want her here,” said Daaliyah.

“Is that why you have been talking badly about my mother and me to Mrs. Boutros?” said Olivia. Sheikh Solomon’s eyes widened.

“You did what?” he said looking at his wife.

“You crossed the line this time.” Olivia marched upstairs. She had had enough drama for the day. She rushed to her room and slammed the door behind her.

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