Page 11 of Beyond the Facade

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The other two were Englishmen who needed escorts to parties. None of these men asked for sex, and they were surprisingly gentle. It’s on this job I realized that the rich can be lonely too. Most of these men just need someone to listen while they talk.

I’ve earned five thousand dollars in the last week. It’s little compared to the money we need for Andrew’s treatment, but I’m on the way to getting it.

“Kaitlin, your ride’s here,” Joel’s voice says over the intercom connected to all the rooms in the building.

“Have fun; I’ll call you at the end of my date,” Bianca says, hugging me.

When I step outside into the evening chilly air, I find a black Escalade parked beside a man dressed in a suit waiting by the door. “I’m here to take you to your dinner, ma’am,” he says in a polite voice.

This night keeps getting better.

Chapter 7


The Escalade glides smoothly through the city streets, my thoughts racing in different directions. I clutch my purse on my lap, taking steady breaths to calm my nerves. I can’t help but wonder why he came looking for me. When the car finally pulls up in front of the restaurant, I take a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest.

The restaurant is a grand, imposing structure with tall glass windows that reflect the city lights. The name, “La Belle Étoile,” is elegantly displayed in gold script above the entrance. I’ve only ever admired this place from the outside and never dreamed I would one day eat here.

The driver comes to open the car door, and I step out, smoothing down my dress. As I approach the entrance, the soft strains of classical music drift through the air. My breath catches in my throat when I step inside. The inside of the restaurant is even more breathtaking.

Crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceilings, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. Rich, dark wood paneling and intricate moldings adorn the walls. To my surprise, the restaurant is empty, save for one table, set for two. He’s sitting there, his eyes fixed on me as I walk in. The intensity of his gaze makes my pulse quicken.

He rises as I approach, his expression unreadable. Dressed in a tailored black suit, he exudes an air of power and control. His dark eyes lock onto mine, and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

“Good evening, Cleopatra,” he says, his voice smooth and deep. He pulls out a chair for me, and I take a seat, my hands trembling slightly.

“Good evening,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

He sits across from me, his eyes never leaving mine. I look away, reaching for a glass of water, and take a tiny sip as my throat suddenly feels dry. I feel the heat of his gaze on my skin; it feels like warm honey.

“You look stunning,” he says, breaking the silence.

“Thank you,” I manage to say, my cheeks flushing at the compliment.

He gestures to the waiter, who appears almost instantly, pouring us each a glass of champagne. The bubbles dance in the crystal flute, and I take a sip, the cool liquid calming my nerves.

“Thanks for the dress,” I say, managing to sound normal. My fingers brush against the silky fabric. He acknowledges my statement with a nod. Reaching for his drink, he takes a sip, his eyes not leaving me.

“I’m a little curious,” I say now, feeling a little emboldened by the champagne.

“What about?” he asks, his interest piqued.

“Why did you come looking for me? My boss told me the length you went to, to find me.” I take another sip of my drink.

He doesn’t respond immediately; he just stares at me, a small smile now playing on his lips. He looks even more handsome when he smiles.

“Why did you come looking for me?”

“Curiosity,” he finally says.

“About what exactly?” I ask.

“Why did you run off the way you did? I was gone for a minute, and the next minute, you were gone without a trace, well, except for your mask, of course.”

“So, you came looking for me and asked me to dinner just so you can know why I left?”

He shrugs in response.

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