Page 97 of Merciless Vows

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“Lucia, tell me what happened. How did they get you?” I ask.

I have no idea who’s behind this. But I’m guessing it’s someone powerful. Only a person with power would be capable of abducting us from our own home.

“I was going to your room with Cross when I heard a sudden thud. Cross was shot, and next thing I knew, someone was shoving a white cloth in my face, and everything went black. And now we’re here,” she mutters angrily, pain flickering in her eyes at the thought of her guard.

She and Cross were close. And my heart aches because of what she had to go through.

“Okay, that correlates with what happened to me as well. But it doesn’t make any sense. How were they able to get in?”

“My best guess is that it was an inside job. Probably a capo or a made man with a grudge against Papa,” Lucia says astutely.

I’m pretty sure she’s right. That’s the only thing that makes sense. She’s still struggling against the ropes, wiggling around like she’s trying to reach for something. I frown.

“Would you stop that? Lucia, stay still,” I scold.

The last thing we need is for our captors to come back in and decide we might be entertaining after all.

“I’m trying to get something,” she says, her face screwed up in concentration.

Her hand stretches toward the back of her jeans as far as she can reach. Finally, she beams, showing me a small knife. My eyes widen.

“Where did that even come from?” I ask, bewildered.

“I was in the kitchen getting a snack when Cross arrived to usher me out. I knew something was up, so I grabbed this just in case. I hid it in the back of my pants. Idiots didn’t even think to search us.”

I stare at her, a little impressed and disappointed that I didn’t think to grab a weapon. But my little sister has always been more quick-footed than me. Smarter too. She doesn’t hesitate to start sawing at the ropes around her body.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I point out to my fifteen-year-old sister, who has a tendency to jump into situations recklessly without careful consideration.

“Aurora, if it were up to you, we’d be waiting for Nicolas to come here and save us,” Lucia states.

“Actually, yes. I think that’s a phenomenal idea.”

I trust Nico, and I know he’s already on his way. These men are dangerous. Usually, I’m all for not waiting for a man or being a damsel in distress. But sometimes, being a damsel is necessary, especially when your captors have guns and you have little to no combat experience.

“What if he’s not coming?” she asks, shooting me a shrewd look. “We can at least try to get ourselves out of here.”

“And end up with a bullet in our heads, most likely,” I grit out.

“They won’t kill us,” she says with a completely false sense of bravado. “If they wanted us dead, we’d be dead already.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” I murmur.

But I don’t say anything else to stop her as she keeps sawing through the ropes. It’s a very slow process, and we’re lucky no one comes to check on us in the time it takes for her to get through her ropes.

“How long do you think we’ve been here for?” Lucia asks when she’s close to done.

“It’s pretty bright out right now. I’d say a couple of hours. It’s maybe seven or eight.”

“Okay,” she murmurs. I watch as she breaks into a smile when her hands finally get free. She doesn’t waste a moment before untying the ropes at her feet as well.

“Well done. Now untie me,” I tell her, feeling dread spread through my chest.

I look toward the warehouse door warily, expecting someone to walk in at any minute. My stomach is in knots right now.

“Hurry up, Lucia,” I say urgently.

My sister moves over to begin cutting through my ropes with the barely sharp edge of the knife. Removing her ropes took more than twenty minutes, but she’s a little more mobile now and is able to work faster.

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