Page 51 of Merciless Vows

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“Okay, fine. You know what? Don’t tell me. I’ll just go,” I state, climbing off the bed and getting to my feet. He looks up at me, eyebrows raised as I stand in front of him. “But mark my words, Nicolas, if I walk out that door, we’re done. Our friendship is over. I won’t speak to you, and you won’t see me ever again.”

“Dramatics don’t suit you, Aurora,” he states, expression unchanged.

Ugh. Damn him and his unflinching confidence.

Still, I can’t very well make a threat and not follow through with it. At least the leaving part. The not talking to him ever part would be almost impossible for me to go through with. After one last glare in his direction, I start walking toward his door.

I’ve only taken two steps before I hear him get to his feet. He stands behind me and stops me by placing his hand on my shoulder. Very slowly, he turns me around so I’m looking at him.

“You know you’re incredibly spoiled and incapable of accepting when you’re told the word, no, right?”

“Sure,” I say dismissively, crossing my arms over my chest. “Are you going to tell me the truth?”

He steps forward so that we’re toe to toe. My heart starts to race as it always does when he’s this close to me. I swallow gently.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, mi vida,” he whispers.

I look him right in the eye as I ask again, “Why did you leave?”

“Because I realized my feelings for you had grown a little complicated,” he tells me, his voice a low rumble.

My eyebrows furrow. “What?”

Nico sighs. “Because, Aurora, I realized that every time I was near you, the only thing I could think about was kissing you. And it was driving me fucking crazy, so I had to remove myself from the equation. Happy?”

As if to prove his point, his eyes flicker down to my lips, and the desire I see in their depths is undeniable.

“Oh,” I say quietly.

Inwardly, my heart is threatening to burst in my chest. Relief. It pounds through me, and I have to try very hard to fight a smile.

I’m not sure the exact moment I started to fall in love with Nicolas Ramirez. Maybe I always loved him. But I only became truly aware of my feelings two years ago, when I realized I wanted him to be mine, and I had no plans of ever letting him go.

“What about Shay?” I ask, tone bitter as I remember the blonde woman he’s been hanging out with since he returned.

She’s gorgeous, smart, and they seem close. Every time I’ve seen them together, I’ve been torn between running away so I never have to see them together and wanting to strangle Nico.

“What about her?” he asks blandly.

My eyes narrow. “You’re sleeping with her.”

“Keen sense of deduction you’ve got there, princess,” he says sarcastically.

“Don’t call me that,” I snap. He only does it when he’s trying to annoy me. Or when he’s pissed. “You can’t just stand there and tell me that you have feelings for me, while also flaunting the woman you’ve been sleeping with in my face.”

Nico shifts closer, staring down at me, his blue eyes twin pools of molten heat.

“Shay means nothing to me, whereas you mean?—”

He cuts himself off, but I hear him loud and clear.

“What, everything?” I say on a soft breath.

He looks away, confirming what I guessed without words. I place my hand on his jaw, knowing full well that I’m playing with fire and unwilling to save myself.

“Look at me.”

He doesn’t. A muscle moves in his jaw, but he keeps his gaze straight ahead and turned away from me.

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