Page 21 of Merciless Vows

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Nico rolls his eyes. “Well, according to your fucking uncle, I can’t be the head of the Chicago outfit because I’m not Italian. It’s fucking ridiculous.”

I cock my head to the side, wondering at that.

“Well, that’s dumb,” I say, sighing softly. “What does he think this is? Game of Thrones?”

Nico’s lips twitch, but he doesn’t smile. I don’t think he even remembers how.

“Unfortunately, there are others in the outfit who are of the same opinion. My background aside, they don’t think I have a legitimate claim. Which is where you come in. You’re a Maranzano. Which means you’re considered royalty in the outfit. A marriage to you would solidify my position. No one would dare cross me.”

I stare at him for a couple of seconds before speaking.

“Your plans for world domination sound very nice, Nico. There’s just one little kink in your plan. I will never marry you,” I grit out.

He arches an eyebrow. “Really?”

My hands fall to my sides when he suddenly takes a step forward, then another, until he’s standing in front of me. My back hits the wall, and I’m suddenly glad for the four-inch heels on my feet, which allow us to be roughly the same height. But then I have no choice but to look straight into those blue eyes that always unnerve me.

The scent of his cologne surrounds me, rendering me momentarily breathless.

“You know me, Aurora. You know, sooner or later, I’m going to get what I want. Don’t fight me on this,” he says slowly.

My hands curl into fists. I lift my chin, staring him straight in the eye despite the pounding in my chest.

“Screw you, Nico.”

He smirks, lifting his hand. I shiver when he slowly runs it through my hair.

“Did Lucia have a safe trip to Brazil?” he questions, voice soft. “I’ll have you know I have a lot of contacts there. It would be so easy to get to her. Even now, I have three men watching your aunt’s house.”

I swallow, fear pulsing in my chest. “Leave my sister alone.”

“I will, if you agree to marry me. Or I could marry Lucia instead. Any Maranzano will do if I’m being honest.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I hiss, my breaths quickening.

He chuckles softly. “I’m not done yet, Aurora. Your little business…what’s it called? Luxe Elite Designs? I could destroy it so fast. You care about it, don’t you, sweetheart? You don’t want me to go after one of the only things you’ve managed to build in the past ten years. What else, Aurora? I could ruin so many things to get what I want. But I won’t. If you only say yes,” he whispers, standing so close that I can feel his breath on my face.

“You’re a monster, Nico.”

“I know I am, but what are you, mi vida?” he asks.

His words are like a trigger. My chest starts to burn, and I suddenly remember who’s standing in front of me. And what he’s done. What he made me do. I grit my teeth before lifting my hand and placing it on his chest. The touch is almost searing. Nico looks down at my hands, blue eyes amused.

“I’ll say it again, just in case you didn’t hear me the first time,” his eyes lift, his gaze meeting mine once again. “I will never marry you, Nico.”

I shove him backward. But he must have been expecting it, because instead of stumbling, he simply takes a step back. I’m about to scream at him to leave, but the soft ding of the elevator arriving cuts me off. The doors slide open, revealing Sabrina. Her eyes immediately lock onto mine as she senses the tension in the air. I watch as her gaze flicks over to Nico who’s standing in front of me, observing her quietly.

Sabrina walks toward us, slowly, determination in her expression. Without missing a beat, she positions herself between me and Nico.

I watch as Nico’s eyebrow goes up, his expression growing amused. I’ll admit it’s a little comical. Sabrina’s barely five foot three, but she stands tall and defensive in front of me. Like a hellcat facing off against a dragon.

“I see you’ve gotten yourself a guard dog, mi vida,” he murmurs, staring down at her. “Hi. I’m Nicolas Ramirez.”

“Nice to meet you, Nicolas Ramirez,” Sabrina replies sharply. “Can I ask what you want with my best friend?”

“I’ll let Aurora fill you in on that, Sabrina,” he tells her.

Sabrina stiffens. “How do you know my name?”

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