Page 112 of Merciless Vows

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“Dominic,” I hear Nico whisper behind me, right before he pushes me back. He takes aim and fires at the guard on Sebastian’s right.

Two other shots are fired in quick succession after. For a second, I think it’s Nico that got hit. But when I look forward, Sebastian’s on the ground with a bullet wound in the middle of his forehead. The small window in the room has been shattered. Whoever Dominic is probably shot him. I struggle to find compassion and sadness within me as I stare at my uncle’s dead body. He made his choices. The other guard is dead as well.

I breathe a little easier, glad that we’re safe once again. Nico whirls around, fear in his expression.

“What the fuck were you thinking standing in front of me like that?”

“I was protecting you,” I say, my eyesight getting blurry. “Nico, I need to tell you….”

The words never make it past my lips. I fall forward into Nico’s arms, my vision going black.

When I open my eyes for the second time that day, I’m in a hospital room.


I blink, looking to the side and into Sabrina’s green eyes.

“Oh, thank God, you’re okay,” she breathes. “I couldn’t reach you all day. I kept calling your number. Nico only just told me you were here an hour ago.”

I start to sit up, feeling an IV tube dig into my arm. Sabrina helps me, and I start to recall what happened.

“Where is he?” I ask.

“He’s okay. He’s getting his arm sewed up in the other room.”

I release a long breath as a sense of relief takes hold of me. Then my eyes widen, and my hand goes down to my stomach.

“Is…I’m pregnant, Sabrina. Is the baby okay?”

“Yes, it’s fine,” she quickly assures me, clutching my hand. “The doctor said you were showing symptoms of dehydration and stress. That, coupled with the head wound, is why you passed out. But you and my little niece or nephew will be okay.”

The fist around my heart relaxes, and tears fill my eyes. I’m so sorry, baby. I promise I’ll take good care of you from now on.

“Does he know?” I ask in a soft voice.

“About the pregnancy?” Sabrina questions. “Yes, he does, darling. The doctor told him. I’m sorry.”

I hate he had to find out that way. I really wanted to tell him on my own.

“How did he take it?”

Sabrina shakes her head. “I’m not sure. He just seemed more worried about you and how you were. He didn’t really react much to the news.”

Doubt starts to niggle at my insides. Maybe he’s angry, and he’s really opposed to having a child. My stomach churns at that. Because everything that happened today has proven to me that I want him in my life more than I’ve ever wanted anything else.

I’ve been such an idiot. I’ve wasted weeks second-guessing myself and him as well. He’s only ever done all he could to protect me. And I should have seen that from the start.

“Sabrina, I need to talk to him.”

“Okay,” my friend says, helping me out of bed.

I wheel the IV stand in front of me as I follow Sabrina to the room Nico is in. I suck in a small breath before I open the door. Nico is seated on a chair. There’s a bandage around his arm, but otherwise, he’s okay. His gaze zeroes in on me, and I’m unable to discern what he’s feeling.

I walk into the room, and he stands, walking toward me. When he stops in front of me, it’s like he’s gained a few inches of height. I swallow softly as I look up at him.

“What are you doing up? You should be resting,” he states.

“I’m really sorry, Nico,” I apologize, needing to get that off my chest.

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