Page 94 of For Keeps

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“I’ve missed seeing you. This one, too.” My grandpa winked at me. “Y’all go on inside and sit down. Get comfortable.”

When Rhys and I entered the sanctuary, we received several double takes from folks, followed by their smiles and waves. If they hadn’t heard about us getting back together, they knew we were now.

As we walked toward the pew where our families were, his parents, my parents, Rachel, and Jackson looked over their shoulders at us. The happiness showing on their faces filled my heart.

My daddy and momma got up and stepped aside so Rhys and I could sit where we always used to: beside them, with my sister and Jackson on the other side of us and Janice and Rob on the other side of them.

Once seated, Rhys and I looked at each other. He gave me a reassuring nod, squeezed my hand, and then I focused ahead of us on Mrs. Palmer, the church’s pianist. I giggled to myself as I watched and listened to her, but not because of her playing. She was wonderful and always had been.

My mind had just traveled back in time to when Rhys and I snuck into the church one night, and he went down on me while I sat bare-assed and spread-legged on the keys of Mrs. Palmer’s old Steinway. I couldn’t keep still, but especially when I came. One could say that Rhys and I made our own kind of music on that risky occasion.

I cut my eyes up at him and nudged his knee with mine. When he looked at me, I tipped my head toward Mrs. Palmer. Rhys closed his eyes, and his dimples deepened as he grinned. He knew what I was thinking about and would do with him again in a heartbeat.

After my grandpa took his place at the pulpit, he welcomed everybody and began delivering his sermon. Out of all the books in the bible to preach from today, he’d chosen The Song of Solomon—the lovers’ story.

As he talked about the sacredness of love and passion between two people, Rhys let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Then he kissed me on the temple as I melted into him.

Toward the end of the service, everyone stood and sang “Amazing Grace.” Hearing the harmony of Rhys’s voice and mine reminded me of when we were in the youth choir. The director, Mrs. Talton, always had us sing a duet at seasonal programs, which our parents especially loved.

After the first occasion, Miss Polly—the church’s sweet secretary—approached Rhys and me. She told us that we reminded her of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton when they sang “You’re the Reason God Made Oklahoma” together on a music awards show not long after they first met. I hadn’t seen that particular performance, so I asked Miss Polly what she meant by her statement.

She said, “You two kids sing together just as wonderfully, and you look at each other just as magically. It’s easy to see how in love you are.”

When church ended, Rhys and I headed to the foyer with his family and mine. I let them know that I’d be back in town in a couple of weeks. After hugging everyone and telling them goodbye, Rhys took me back to my momma and daddy’s so I could pack my things. On the way there, I checked on Macie.

Me:How are you feeling?

Macie:Like shit. Summer colds are the worst.

Me:Do you need me to bring you anything?

Macie:I’ve got all I need here, but thanks. How was church?

Me:It was great. I missed seeing you.

Macie:I missed seeing you too.

Me:We’ll make it up the next time I come home.

Macie:We sure will. You and Rhys have fun next weekend.

Me:We’re planning on it.

Macie:Let me know how it goes.

Me:I will. I’ll talk to you before then.

Macie:Love you, BFF.

Me:Love you too. Feel better.

CH 24 - #secondthoughts


AFTER I KISSED and hugged Riley goodbye on her parents’ front porch, she went inside to pack her suitcases. I drove down to the bayou and parked next to it, waiting to see a silver Camaro zip across the bridge.

This scenario reminded me of last year when I waited to see Riley leave our hometown to venture into a new life without me. I wasn’t wasted on whiskey and crying my eyes out this time, though, because Riley and I were back together and would see each other again on Friday.

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