Page 81 of For Keeps

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“You’re right, it is.” I glanced toward the living room. I could tell my daddy was there because I could hear the TV. “Momma, is Daddy truly okay with me spending last night with Rhys?”

“Yes. He feels like I do. You’re a grown woman, and Rhys is a grown man. What y’all do is your business.”

“I didn’t intend to stay all night with him. We just fell asleep. He was holding me in his arms in his bed, and the next thing I knew, it was morning.”

“Did you enjoy waking up next to him?”

I smiled. “Very much so. Then he got up to make coffee for us but was sidetracked by something his ghost had done.”

“He has a ghost at his house?”

“Yes. It momma-bears Rhys by hiding stuff he leaves out and making his messes even bigger.”

“That is hilarious!”

“Well, two days ago, it turned over the sugar jar on Rhys’s kitchen counter and drew two hearts linked together.”

My momma glanced down at my necklace. “Your and Rhys’s symbol.”

“This morning, two linked hearts were drawn in the moisture on the outside of Rhys’s kitchen window.”

“I wonder why his ghost drew them both times.”

“We think it loves us and wants us to be happy. It’s trying to tell us that.”

“It wants you and Rhys to get back together like we all do.”

“We’re working on it.”

“I know.”

“After the ghost stuff happened, guess who texted me.”

My momma looked over my face. “Chad?”

I nodded. “He wanted to come to Cypress Hills today and talk to me. I told him no and that I’d contact him when I was ready to talk.”

“What was his reply?”

“He said okay, and that was it.”

“Does Rhys know that Chad texted you and what he wanted?”


“How did he respond?”

“He didn’t like it, which was understandable. He suggested I let Chad know I didn’t want to see or talk to him. He thought if I didn’t, Chad would show up unannounced like last Saturday.”

“He probably would have.”

“It’s so nice being looked after by Rhys. He makes me feel safe and secure in every way.”

“He’s your knight in shining armor.”

“He certainly is.”

“What’s it going to be like between y’all at the party?”

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