Page 72 of For Keeps

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“She said my eyes were shining and then asked if I was falling in love with you again. That’s when I told her about my true feelings toward you.”

“I figured Macie knows about them, too, since she’s your best friend.”

“I did tell her about us having sex in my bedroom earlier, but I’ve never confessed to the other despite her pushing me to do it. She knows, though. I’m more easily read than I care to admit.”

“Does Rachel know our whole story?”

“Not about us having sex. But she is aware that I’m still in love with you in the same way that Macie is.”

“How does Macie feel about you and me being sexually involved again?”

“She said she wasn’t surprised. She saw the fire burning between you and me when we ran into each other outside the grocery store.”

“I thought it was just me feeling it.”


“Are you going to tell your sister how serious you and I are getting again?”

“Eventually. I tread lightly with her on the topic of you.”

“Why is that?”

“Because she’s protective of you, Rhys. You’re like a big brother to her, and she loves you.”

“But you’re her sister.”

“But Rachel saw what you went through after I ended us. Jackson did, too, but unlike Rachel, he never said anything to me about it. My sister blessed me out for hurting you like I did. She also told me that if I ever realized my mistake in letting you go and decided I wanted to ask you for a second chance, I’d better be certain about it. Otherwise, she was going to kick my ass if I hurt you again. Quote.”

“I hate telling you this, but she could do it. She’s shorter than you but like a Tasmanian devil whenever she gets angry. It rarely happens, but when it does, Rachel is scarier than Macie.”

“She really is. However, I won’t have to worry about her getting ahold of me because I’ll never hurt you again.”

I squeezed Riley’s hand. “I’m not concerned about it, but I wonder about something. Since Macie and your sister have known how you really feel about me all this time, did Chad?”

“Not until I called him by your name.”

“I called Trisha by yours several times.”

“How did that go over with her?”

“She didn’t like it, but I didn’t care. How’d it go over with Chad?”

“He told me that he understood and thought my saying your name was nothing more than a habit that would eventually go away. It never did, though. I kept slipping up.”

“What did Chad do?”

Riley half-laughed. “After that first time, he gave me his death stare, stomped off, and sulked on each occasion.”

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

“It’s not the only thing I dealt with. One night, Chad videoed me with his cellphone while I was asleep beside him in his bed. I was dreaming about you and kept saying your name. I also told you I loved you and missed this.”


“Rhys, you and I were having sex in my dream. Chad showed me the video the next morning while we were in the middle of eating breakfast, and I watched myself cum. Hands pressed against the headboard, arched back, heavy breathing—everything. I also moaned your name when I peaked.”

I stared at Riley, growing angrier by the second.

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